First ensure that the CVSROOT and CVS_RSH
environment variables have been set
setenv CVSROOT ':ext:[email protected]:/home2/cvs'
(it is recommended that you insert the above in your ~/.cshrc).
setenv CVS_RSH '/usr/bin/ssh'
Now cd to some convenient working directory and check out the pamr distribution
% cvs co pamr cvs server: Updating pamr U pamr/.laliases U pamr/KNOWN_ISSUES . . . U pamr/test/ U pamr/test/test1.c cvs server: Updating pamr/waveCopy an appopriate PBS (Torque) batch submission file for the example, and submit the job---which uses 4 processors---to the batch queue using qsub
Once the check-out is complete, change to the pamr directory, and build the distribution.
% cd pamr % source ~matt/scripts/soINTEL-myr-ompi % configure --prefix=`pwd` creating cache ./config.cache checking for Unix flavour... LINUX checking for gcc...
. . creating amrd/Makefile creating examples/wave/Makefile creating doc/Makefile % make
for f in src amrd; do \
(cd $f; make install) \
done . . . cp: `../include/m_util_r8.h' and ... are the same file
cp: `../include/pamr.h' and ... are the same file
make[1]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home3/vnfe4/home/...
Now change to the examples/wave directory and build the wave equation example.
% cd examples/wave % make
% cp ~matt/templates/pamr-wave-myr-openmpi.pbs . % qsub pamr-wave-myr-openmpi.pbsWait for the batch job to finish: you can use the qstat command to monitor the status of the batch queue, but you can tell when the job has completed by the appearance of the standard output and standard error files associated with the job. These will have names of the form pamr-wave.o[Job id] and pamr-wave.e[Job id] where [Job id] is the numeric part of the Job id which is returned by the qsub command.
% cd run_2d % ls *sdf wave_2d_L0_phi_tl2_0.sdf wave_2d_L0_phi_tl2_2.sdf wave_2d_L0_phi_tl2_1.sdf wave_2d_L0_phi_tl2_3.sdf % sdftodv *sdfThen select Merge All Registers in DV, enable AMR in the Options panel, and visualize the results.