Local Tools (in progress)
Using Explorer's LatFunction module, you can apply various scripts
to the data lattice. The syntax is somewhat of a pain, but starting from these,
you should be able to change them for any kind of transformation:
- RhoDeriv -- take the derivative with respect to one coordinate
of a 2D lattice
- MinusOne -- subtract 1 from the lattice
- MoveLeft -- move a lattice's coordinates so that multiple lattices
can be displayed next to each other with one Render module
SDF Utilities
- procsdf---process sdf files
- Slice data--generate 2d slices of 3d data, or 1d slices of 2d data
- Cut data--output only certain times of the original function
- Point data--output ascii of particular point indexed (1..nx, 1..ny, 1..nz)
- intsdf---integrate grid function in 1d, 2d, or 3d
- intrhosdf---integrate grid function assuming axisymmetry; I.E. if sdf file
contains the grid function f(), computes int( rho*f drho dz )
and assume rho is the first coordinate
Supermongo scripts
- Four Panes--supermongo script to chop page into
four panes for four graphs.
- Nine Panes--supermongo script to chop page into
nine panes for four graphs.
- Macros--various supermongo macros---
- a least squares fit (x,y) --> y = m*x + b --> (m,b)
- draw a parabola
- draw an arc of a circle
Maple Procedures
- mapletools--
- perturb--perturbs a given set/list of equations in a
given set of variables, to a given order.
- takederiv--a hard coded procedure to take the derivative
with respect to (psi,psi_r,lambda,lambda_r,etc)
- simplecollect--does a simplification of each of the terms
resulting from a collect.
Ser Help
A home-grown application
- Mouse command---click right mouse button on a window to pull up command menu
- apply xy---commands that operate on a single window and
produce new window (unless you hold
down CTRL-ALT at same time
but be careful of killing window)
- apply2xy---binary operations
- applynxy---apply to arbitrary number of windows: right click
any you want and then middle mouse click to end
- mode->compress---eg. "10-100/10" delete all slices from
window except those from 10-100 at intervals of 10
- Key Operations (apply to "green"ed window)
- Shift-V---full screen
- Shift-Z---goes to zoom mode: zooms in/out based on mouse input
- Shift-C---duplicate the window
- Shift-A---sequence through time slices
- Shift-F---freeze on current time slice
- Shift-S---toggle single frame advance mode
- Shift-P---clip all points not within current bounds
- Tab--(mouse command)---tells ser to get numeric input not from
mouse click, but from typing in
or applys command to all windows
- CTRL-ALT-(middle mouse)---kill window over which mouse is
- ALT-(middle mouse)---view only window over which mouse is
- Command line operations
- hdftovs---loads 1-d hdf file to server
- seg2vs---loads *.segdat files to server
- nss(limited availability)---loads *.segdat files to server
- vs2seg---saves a window in ser to a segdat file
- segdump---dumps ascii from a segdat file
- seginfo---dumps info about a segdat file
- v1---sends ascii to ser (via pipe)
- vsget---gets ascii from ser window
- setenv VSHOST godel---sets environment variable which
tells commands where to send/pull data
Last updated August 25, 1998.
Steve Liebling
[email protected]
Steve's home page