Physics 410: Root Finding & Non Linear Equations
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Last updated November 21, 2001
- Source code covered in class can be found on
the phys410 account on the lnx machines in
- General References
Numerical Recipes (Chapter 9)
- Section 9.1 Introduction
- Section 9.2 Bracketing and Bisection
- Section 9.4 Newton-Raphson Method Using Derivative
- Section 9.6 Newton-Raphson Method for Nonlinear Systems of Equations
- Combined handouts (PS)
for the following lectures.
- Lecture 1 (November 22)
- bisect: Location of bracketed root using bisection.
- bisect.f: Bisection routine.
- tbisect.f: Test driver for bisect
- Include file which defines a common block
for global communication with the user-supplied routine (function whose root is sought).
- Makefile
- Sample output on lnx1.
- newtsqrt: Computation of square roots using Newton's method.
- Lecture 2 (November 27)
- newt2: Computation of solutions of simple set of non-linear equations (d=2).
- newt2.f: Program.
- Makefile
- Sample output on lnx1.
- Check of the
computation using Maple's numerical root finding capabilities (fsolve).
- nlbvp1d: Solution of non-linear boundary value problem via finite differencing and
mulit-dimensional Newton's method.
- nlbvp1d.f: Program.
- Makefile
- Plot of computed level-6 and exact solutions (PS) for
guess_factor = 1.
- Plot of results from convergence test using levels 5, 6 and 7
(PS) for guess_factor = 1.
- Plot of three distinct solutions generated with different values of guess_factor
- Detail of above plot (PS).
- Nlbvp1d: Script which runs nlbvp1d
and generates the above plots.