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PHYS 410/555: Computational Physics      Fall 2003       Homework 3
DUE: Tuesday, October 21, 10:00 AM       Report bugs to [email protected]

The following assignment involves writing and testing several simple Fortran 77 programs. Follow the instructions carefully and please do all compilation and execution on your lnx account, or ensure that all programs compile and execute on the lnx machines. All files required by the assignment must reside in the correct places on your lnx account for the homework to be considered complete.

Important: Your solutions to each and every one of the problems below MUST include a Makefile (or makefile) that defines, at a minimum, targets for the executable or executables required by the problem, and clean, where the clean target, as usual, removes the executables and object-code files. Furthermore, your makefiles MUST use the macros F77, F77FLAGS, F77CFLAGS, F77LFLAGS as discussed in class (i.e. you must define ``portable'' makefiles).

Problem 1: In a directory $\sim$/hw3/a1 on your lnx account, create Fortran source files pgm1.f and pgm2.f that are to be compiled into executables pgm1 and pgm2 with behaviour as described below.

Important: Use real*8 arithmetic and ``free-format'' I/O (i.e. read(*,*) and write(*,*)) here and throughout the homework. In particular, in accordance with the ``Unix philosophy'', discussed in class, of keeping output from programs as ``machine-readable'' as possible, do NOT, put ``descriptive'' information such as ``f = '' in your output.

Minimal commenting of these programs is acceptable, but be sure to carefully test them. You may find it helpful to use Maple for testing purposes. (Recall that the Maple procedure evalf() evaluates an expression using floating-point arithmetic.)

Your programs should detect and ignore invalid input in the same fashion as the mysum example discussed in class. Should you wish to print messages if invalid input is encountered, be sure to direct the messages to standard error (unit 0). Your programs will be tested with input of my own design.

As there has been confusion concerning this in the past, be sure that both of your programs accept 0 or more lines of input--i.e. do not assume that there will only be a single line of input.

Finally, note that there is a Fortran sqrt function--see Appendix A of the Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran 77, by Clive Page (available on-line via the Fortran Programming notes page) for a full list of the Fortran 77 intrinsic (built-in) functions.

Problem 2: In a directory $\sim$/hw3/a2 create source files dvvfrom.f and dvvto.f that define Fortran subroutines with the following headers:

      subroutine dvvfrom(fname,v1,v2,n,maxn)
         implicit        none
         character*(*)   fname
         integer         n,           maxn
         real*8          v1(maxn),    v2(maxn)

      subroutine dvvto(fname,v1,v2,n)
         implicit        none
         character*(*)   fname
         integer         n
         real*8          v1(n),       v2(n)
These routines are to behave completely analogously to the routines dvfrom and dvto covered in the class notes except that they are to read and write pairs of real*8 vectors (one-dimensional arrays) from and to a file with name fname. Thus the format of the input and output is:
  v1(1)    v2(1)
  v1(2)    v2(2)
  v1(3)    v2(3)
If fname .eq. '-', the routines should use standard input or standard output as appropriate. In the same directory, write test programs tdvvfrom.f and tdvvto.f and create executables tdvvfrom and tdvvto that test your two routines. The arguments to tdvvfrom and tdvvto should be identical to the programs tdvfrom and tdvto, respectively, which were covered in class. Specifically, the usage of the test programs should be:
% tdvvfrom <file name>
% tdvvto   <file name> <n>
tdvvfrom should report on standard error the length of the vectors that were read (i.e. how many pairs were read); tdvvto need not report anything under normal execution. Both testing programs should be adequately documented and must perform argument processing--this includes detection of insufficient or invalid arguments, in which case a usage message should be printed to standard error. Use the system routines iargc and getarg as well as i4arg from the p410f library discussed in class for argument parsing. You should also use the integer function indlnb from the p410f library to ensure that you don't create file names with trailing spaces. Your test programs, as well as your dvvfrom and dvvto routines themselves, will be evaluated with my own input and testing programs.

Problem 3: The Chaos Game

\begin{displaymath}V_i \equiv \left({\tilde x}_i, {\tilde y}_i \right)\quad\quad i = 1 , 2, 3 \end{displaymath}

be the vertices of an equilateral triangle with side length 1 lying in the $xy$ plane. The orientation and position of the triangle in the plane is not important but, for concreteness, you may wish to ``center'' the triangle at the origin $(x,y) = (0,0)$. The game is initialized by arbitrarily choosing some point in the $xy$ plane, such that the point lies outside of the triangle. Call this randomly chosen location the active point. One then randomly chooses one of the three triangle vertices, $V_i$, draws an imaginary line between the vertex and the active point, bisects the line and makes the point of bisection the active point. This last sequence of randomly choosing a vertex, bisecting the line between it and the active point and updating the active point with the point of bisection is then repeated some specified number of times. If one plots all the active points that are generated, an interesting pattern appears after a sufficiently large number of iterations.

In a directory $\sim$/hw3/a3 on your lnx account write a well-documented Fortran program called chaos2d that implements this algorithm. Note that, as discussed in class, the real*8 function drand48, available in the p410f library, can be used to generate a random number between 0 and 1--it is up to you to figure out how to use drand48 to generate the particular randomness required by the algorithm. Be sure that you declare the function properly in the main program, and note that since it has no arguments, it should be invoked with an empty argument list:

      real*8      drand48

      write(*,*) 'This is a pseudo-random number ', drand48()
Your program must take a single integer argument that specifies the number of iterations to perform, and must echo a usage message to standard error if the argument is missing, or invalid, e.g.
 usage: chaos2d <nsteps>
Again, I suggest that you use the i4arg function discussed in class and available in the p410f library to parse the argument. Your program must write to standard output the $x$ and $y$ coordinates of all of the active points that are generated (including the original randomly chosen one). Specifically, use a write statement like the following
      write(*,*) xactive, yactive
in your iteration loop, so that the coordinate pairs appear one per line on standard output. You may optionally output (also to standard output) the $(x,y)$ coordinates of the three triangle vertices $V_i$. If you choose to do so, output them once only, presumably at the beginning of the game. Finally, although the location of the initial active point is arbitrary, you should ensure that its distance from the center of the triangle does not exceed 2.5 (recall that the sides of the triangle are of length 1.0). Run your program for 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 iterations and redirect the output to files out10, out100, out1000, and out10000 respectively. Use gnuplot to plot the points defined by each of the output files and save the plots as postscript files,,, and When you make your plots, you should use an aspect ratio of 1 (same physical size of $x$ and $y$ axis Hint: Use the set size command) and should not be afraid to clip a few points in order to focus on the region of interest (i.e. the base triangle and its interior). Also, be sure to use an appropriate ``style'' in gnuplot so that the interesting structure of the plot is visible (i.e. plot with dots).

Note that the process by which you determine the random initial point lying outside the triangle need not be elaborate; you should feel free, for example, simply to define some fixed point of your own choosing as the initial point (i.e. there is no need to use random number generation in this phase of the algorithm).

You may find it useful to write a script to automate the generation of the output files and the gnuplot plotting. With regards to the latter, note that one can use a ``here document'' (recall the Unix notes on shell programming) to provide ``in-place'' input to gnuplot. For example:
set terminal postscript
set output "$output"
plot "$input"

OPTIONAL for ALL students: Generalize the game in various ways such as

  1. Adding an option that controls the number of fixed vertices used (i.e. so that you can play with 4, 5, 6, $\ldots$ fixed vertices, rather than just 3).
  2. Adding an option that controls the placement of new points: new points should continue to be placed along a line connecting the previous point and the randomly chosen vertex, but need not be at the mid-point of the line-segment.
  3. Implementing the game in three dimensions.

If you do chose to generalize the game, be sure to create a new source file and executable--chaos2d must execute precisely as specified above. Leave comments describing your generalization(s) in a README file in the solution directory.

Problem 4: (for 555 credit, OPTIONAL for 410 students)

In a directory $\sim$/hw3/a4 create a Fortran 77 source file rw2d.f and corresponding executable rw2d, which simulates and analyzes random walks of a particle on a two dimensional integer lattice. Specifically, if at step $n$ the current position of the particle performing the walk is $(x,y) = (i,j)$, where $i$ and $j$ are integers, then, with equal probability (i.e. $p=1/4$), the position at step $n+1$ is either $(i+1,j)$, $(i-1,j)$, $(i,j+1)$ or $(i,j-1)$. rw2d should accept two integer arguments as illustrated in this usage message:

   usage: rw2d <nsteps> <nwalks>
where <nsteps> is the number of steps to take per walk, and <nwalks> is the number of separate walks to be generated. Once again, note that you can use the i4arg function from the p410f library to parse the command-line arguments. For each walk, start the particle at $(0,0)$ and use real*8 values for the particle coordinates, even though the coordinates are restricted to integer values. When your program is finished simulating the random walks, it must write on standard output the average of the distance-squared of the particle from its starting point (i.e. compute $\langle r^2 \rangle$ using a simple average to compute the expectation value, and average over all walks) after each step, as a function of step number. Specifically, the output should consist of two numbers per line, generated using code such as the following:
      do i = 1 , nsteps
         write(*,*)  i,   rsqavg(i)
      end do
Document and test your program thoroughly, then make runs of 10, 100, and 1000, 5000-step walks, and save the output in files out10, out100 and out1000 respectively. Use gnuplot, or another instructor-approved plotting package (contact me if you're not sure whether a given package is instructor-approved!) to produce a single plot of average-distance-squared versus step number for all three data-sets. Save a postscript version of the plot in What can you say about the behaviour of $\langle r^2 \rangle$ versus step number as the number of walks gets large? Answer in a file called README. Note that you should again use the drand48 function defined in the p410f library in order to complete this problem.

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Matthew W. Choptuik 2003-10-03