Physics 410: Solution of ODEs
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Last updated November 2004
- General Reference
- Handouts:
- Part I -- Combined notes: Solution of ODEs, Orbiting Dumbbell, Method of Lines Solution of the Wave Equation
and Shooting and The Toy Deuteron Problem (PS).
Lecture versions
- Solution of ODEs (PS).
- Orbiting Dumbbell (PS).
- Method of Lines Solution of the Wave Equation (PS).
- Shooting and the Toy Deuteron Problem (PS).
- Part II -- Source code and related: lsoda.f through deut (PS)
- Source code covered in class can be found on
the phys410 account on the lnx machines in
sub-directories of ~phys410/ode.
- Lecture 2 (Nov 23)
- lsoda.f ODEPACK
routine for solving general systems of ODEs.
- tlsoda.f: Sample
"driver" program which uses LSODA to integrate u''(t) = -u(t)
and associated Makefile.
- chk-tlsoda.f:
Program which applies O(dt^2) finite-difference approximation of
the ODE to tlsoda results ("independent residual evaluator").
- Tlsoda: shell script which
runs tlsoda with a variety of tolerance settings, checks
one solution using "independent residual evaluation", and demonstrates
dependence of results on number of requested output times.
Output from the script on the
lnx machines.
- Plot of computed
and exact solution on x = [0 .. 10] with pure absolute error
tolerance of 1.0e-6 (gnuplot script file).
Plot of abs(error)
in computed solution using a range of tolerances
(gnuplot script file).
- Sample output illustrating
the use of some utility commands: dvmesh, nf and
paste. May be useful in answering Problem 2e) of Homework 4.
- Lectures 2, 3 and 4 (Nov 23, 25 and 30)
- integral: Example code illustrating use of LSODA to compute a definite integral.
- optional-inputs.f: Documentation of
some of the optional inputs to LSODA; information about other optional inputs
can be extracted from other parts of the comment block.
- integral.f: Driver routine
- fcn.f: User function which defines integrand.
- Makefile
- Sample output on the lnx machines.
- twobody: LSODA-based code which solves restricted
2-body gravitational problem (one body non-gravitating).
- twobody.f: Driver routine.
- fcn.f: User function which implements equations of motion.
- Include file which defines variables and COMMON
BLOCK for communicating additional parameters to user function.
- Makefile
- Twobody: Shell-script which
runs twobody and then produces various plots of the output:
- Twobody 1.0 1.0d-6: (circular orbit, all LSODA tolerances 1.0d-6)
- Test particle position (PS).
- Total mechanical energy deviation (PS).
- Total angular momentum deviation (PS).
- Twobody 1.0 1.0d-10: (circular orbit, all LSODA tolerances 1.0d-10)
- Test particle position (PS).
- Total mechanical energy deviation (PS).
- Total angular momentum deviation (PS).
- Twobody 0.8 1.0d-10: (elliptical orbit, all LSODA tolerances 1.0d-10)
- Test particle position (PS).
- Total mechanical energy deviation (PS).
- Total angular momentum deviation (PS).
- Twobody-sm: A variant of Twobody which uses
supermongo (sm)
- Twobody-sm 0.8 1.0d-10: (elliptical orbit, all LSODA tolerances 1.0d-10)
- Test particle position (PS).
- Total mechanical energy deviation (PS).
- Total angular momentum deviation (PS).
- Twobody-xvs: A variant of Twobody which sends
output directly to the xvs
visualization server.
- dumb: LSODA-based code which solves orbiting dumbbell
- Lecture notes (PS)
- dumb.f: Main program
- fcn.f: User function which implements equations of motion.
- Include file which defines variables and COMMON
BLOCK for communicating additional parameters to user function.
- Makefile
- Dumb: Script which runs dumb and produces plots
shown below.
- Animation of typical elliptical orbit with d=0.3 (1.3MB MPEG)
- Plots of omega (angular frequency of dumbbell about its
center of mass) versus time for a
circular orbit
and for an
elliptical orbit.
Note the "chaotic" nature of omega in the latter case.
of omega for the elliptical orbit.
- Plots illustrating energy conservation for elliptical
orbit (chaotic case).
Energy quantities
computed with LSODA tolerance 1.0e-6.
Top to bottom: Translational
kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, total energy,
gravitational potential energy. In this case, "non-conservation"
of total mechanical energy is a good sign that we need to
make the error tolerance more stringent.
Energy quantities
computed with LSODA tolerance = 1.0e-12. Note that
energy conservation is improved in this case.
Plot of
rotational kinetic energy.
- wave: LSODA-based code which solves wave equation using the
method lines and an O(h^2) disretization of the spatial part of the
wave operator.
- Lecture notes (PS)
- wave.f: Main program
- fcn.f: User function which implements equations of motion.
- Include file which defines variables and COMMON
BLOCK for communicating additional parameters to user function.
- Makefile
- Wave: Script which runs wave and produces plot
shown below. Output of script on lnx1.
- Surface plot of wave equation solution using
time symmetric initial conditions and Dirichlet boundary conditions.
- deut: LSODA-based code which integrates spherically-symmetric
time-independent Schrodinger equation for toy deuteron model (square
well potential).
- Lecture notes (PS)
- deut.f: Main program
- fcn.f: User function which implements
equations of motion.
- Include file which defines variables and COMMON
BLOCK for communicating additional parameters to user function.
- Makefile
- Shoot-deut: Script to perform bisection search
("shooting") for energy eigenvalue using bisection search script package.
- Shoot-deut-all: Yet another script that calls
Shoot-deut to compute wavefunctions for x0 = 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0. Note that as per the
notes, the initial bisection bracket [ELO,EHI] is to be chosen so that
u(x) is negative/positive at large x for integrations with E=ELO/EHI respectively.
It turns out that this actually requires ELO > EHI
- Plot and
detail of several
trial solutions generated via bisection search on eigenvalue, E for x0=2.
- Plot of computed eigenfunctions for
various values of parameter, x0. Note that eigenfunctions are not normalized.
- mkplots: Script which makes above plots using