Physics 210: Final Project Proposal Presentations

Speaking Order & Instructions

Tuesday December 1, 2:00 - 5:00 PM

  1. Henry Tung
  2. William Kellett
  3. Duncan Provan
  4. Matthew Chin
  5. Ziad Algkafori
  6. Benson Chang
  7. Jason (Jianrong) Zhuang
  8. Yifei Zhou (Alfie)
  9. Chenruo (John) Qi
  10. Ian Fraser
  11. Kyung Seob (Brian) Sin
  12. Ye Cheng Chen (Lewis)
  13. Anffany Chen
  14. Katherine Van Dijk
  15. Steven Janssens
  16. Sen Mei

Thursday December 3, 2:00 - 5:00 PM

  1. Camen Huang
  2. Andy Lin
  3. Joshua Wienands
  4. Maxwell (Max) Tims
  5. Yun-Chung (Earl) Lin
  6. Ryan Lovelidge
  7. Magnus Haw
  8. Jiajie Liang (Javen)
  9. Kai-Hsuan (Shawn) Wu
  10. Gian Matharu
  11. Kasun Somaratne
  12. Yuki Omori
  13. Natassia Orr
  14. Gene Polovy
  15. Michael Hall
  16. Eric Walker
  17. Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi

Suggested Presentation Format

  1. Overview
  2. Project Goals
  3. Mathematical Formulation
  4. Numerical Approach
  5. Testing and Numerical Experiments
  6. Results
  7. Conclusions
  8. References


  1. You should plan for a presentation not to exceed 7 minutes in length (so please practice it beforehand to ensure that you can deliver it in 7 minutes), so that we will have another 3 minutes for questions and a transition to the next speaker.

  2. IMPORTANT!! Proposals must be prepared in electronic form using
    1. Powerpoint or open source equivalent (e.g. ooimpress)
    2. Word or open source equivalent, (e.g. oowriter) but only if you have a good reason not to use presentation software
    3. LaTeX (using, for example, the foiltex class package. See HERE for a more complete list of what's available for use with LaTeX)

  3. IMPORTANT!! The electronic form of your presentation must be sent to me via e-mail before 10 AM on the day that you will be presenting, so that I have time to assemble all of the talks onto my laptop. For emergency purposes, you should also bring a copy of your presentation on a USB memory stick.  If you don't have a memory stick, refer to item 5.
  4. IMPORTANT!! Please ensure that when you e-mail me your presentation, it is sent as an ATTACHMENT, and NOT embedded in the body of the e-mail message per se. 

  5. IMPORTANT!! You should also upload your presentation to your /phys210/$LOGNAME/public_html directory on hyper, and link it into your course page (this is mandatory for those of you who will be unable to bring an emergency copy on a memory stick).

  6. IMPORTANT!! All presentations will be given IN THE COMPUTER LAB.

Maintained by [email protected]. Supported by CIAR, NSERC, CFI, BCKDF and UBC