(Jing-Tzyh) Alan Chiang

     Address:   303 East 21st Street
                G135 Roberts
	        Austin, Texas 78705
     Home:      (512) 495-3671     
     Work:      (512) 835-3300
     Email:     [email protected]

PHY329 term project on Quantum Scattering & Tunneling

Academic/official links:

Phy329: Introduction to Computational Physics
Matt Choptuik's Homepage
Department of Physics
University of Texas at Austin

Quantum Chromodynamics!!! (just some links that I dug up for class)

At University of Indiana
A recent workshop on Large Scale Matrix Computations and Lattice QCD
A Project on Visualization of QCD Calculations
QCD as part of a discussion on Unified Field Theory
A newly funded $20 million research project on spin-polarized proton physics