Brandon S. Wilson
Address: 306 Canyon Wren Buda, Tx 78610
Voice: (512) 295-5209
Email: [email protected]
University of Texas Websites:
Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1081
For information, see the following sites:Intro. to Computational Physics Course Page Instructors Home Page
Information on Gamma-Ray Bursters:
Gamma Ray Bursters: Dying Cries from the Distant Universe Gamma-Ray Bursters - What are they? How Far Away Are Gamma-Ray Bursters?Cases of Gamma-Ray Bursters:
March 19, 1997 - Gamma-Ray Burster December 18, 1997 - Gamma-Ray Burster
Brandon's Computational Project/Paper:
'Fun with particles confined to a sphere'
Program and subroutine code Paper (ps)
Say Hello to n-butane - My favorate molecule!
(Also the one I am currently working with in the lab)