Luis Amador Jr. (J.R.)

     Department of Physics
     The University of Texas at Austin
     Austin, Texas 78712-1081
     Address: 1506 B Matthews Ln.
              Austin, Tx 78745
     Home:    (512) 442-2364    
     Lab:     (512) 471-0931 
     Email:   [email protected]

PHY 329:Introduction to Computational Physics

Matt Choptuik's Homepage -Course Instructor.

Gamma Ray Busters

Gamma Ray Bursters

Gamma Ray Bursters- What are they?

Coalescing Nuetron Stars and Gamma Ray Bursters

How Far Away are Gamma-Ray Bursters?

Gamma Ray Bursters- are they the halo of our galaxy?

Visible Images on TEXMEX
