Richard Metzler

     Center for Nonlinear Dynamics
     Department of Physics
     The University of Texas at Austin
     Austin, Texas 78712-1081
     Voice:  (512) 471-3105     
     Fax:    (512) 471-1558
     Email:  [email protected]


to the course home page,
the instructor, Matt Choptuik,
the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics,
the University Library
the Thomas Register, and
the indispensable Dilbert archive

My term project for this course

Term Paper (Postscript)
Progress so far
The final version (04/29) of the source code
Download the source code with the libraries AFsp and Xgraphics.c,
the include file Xgraphics.h,
and the Makefile
(modify all codes as needed for your directory structure;
see also installation hints in term paper. Good luck)

Some non-physics related links to...

the UT Aikido Club,
...more to be added...