Department of Physics & Astronomy
The University of British Columbia
6224 Agricultural Road, Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z1
Office: Hennings 414 (west annex)
Voice: (604) 822-2095
Fax: (604) 822-5324
Email: [email protected]
Course (PHYS 410) Homepage Instructor (Matt Choptuik) Homepage
The Bennett, Brassard, Jozsa, Peres and Wootters Article from the Physical Review Online Archive IBM Research Page University of Innsbruck Experimental Group Page American Institute of Physics News Article (December 10, 1997) *see the graphic here* Scientific American Review Article A different angle...
Objective: To investigate the behaviour of complex scalar fields with
electomagnetic interaction.
Emphasis was placed on the following aspects of the problem:
(Although charge is apparently *not* conserved, here are video clips showing how charge density and charge distribute inhomogeneously. rho (charge density) in MPEG format. Q (charge within radius r) in MPEG format. Also, r*rho in MPEG, and r*Q in MPEG.)
A different initial data set. A movie clip showing evolution
of the scalar field components (Phi1 is the real component shown in yellow,
Phi2 is the imaginary component shown in blue) can be found here MPEG.
A movie clip of the electromagnetic vector potential components (At--shown
n yellow--is the time component, Ar--shown in blue--is the radial component)
can be found here MPEG.
This example has time symmetric initial data for Phi1 and Phi2, identical
initial gaussian profiles for Phi1 and At, and identical initial gaussian
profiles for Phi2 and Ar (but shifted from those of Phi1 and At). An outgoing
condition was placed on the outer boundary (to the right of the movie clip
frames). The center of spherical symmetry is at the left. A movie clip
showing r*Phi1 and r*Phi2 (colours same as above) in MPEG
format. A movie clip showing r*At and r*Ar (colours same as above) in MPEG
A postscript version of the project is available for download here PS.
The MapleV GRTensorII package was used in the calculation of covariant derivatives. A postscript version of the GRTensorII manual is available for download in five parts PS PS PS PS PS .