Physics 210: Unix / Linux

Please report all errors/typos. etc to [email protected]

Last updated September 1, 2014.


See also

Introduction and Motivation

These notes aim to get you familiar with the interactive use of Unix for day-to-day organizational and programming tasks, as well as to introduce you to the art of writing shell scripts.  A natural question that you might have is, "Why should I learn Unix?"  Entire essays could be devoted to this topic, but in the context of computational physics, you should be aware that Unix is the operating system of choice for many computational physicists, especially those who do significant development of new programs, as well as those who use very large and powerful computers (i.e. those involved in High Performance Computing (HPC)).  Unix is powerful, extensible, and in the case of Linux, the code for the entire operating system is so-called open source, meaning it is non-proprietary and can be modified by any user as he or she wishes. Additionally, Linux is generally available free of charge, which is important for those on a budget. I could go on, but perhaps it is sufficient to simply assert that in the current era, most physicists would consider at least a basic knowledge of Unix to be an essential part of the training of undergraduate physics students. (As an aside, it almost certainly the case that your smartphone is running some form of Unix!)

Let us first observe that Unix is an operating system (OS), which we can loosely define as a collection of programs (often called processes) that manage the resources of a computer for one or more users. These resources include the CPUs (Central Processing Units or cores), displays, network facilities, file systems, disk drives and other mass-storage devices, printers, scanners, and  more.

Historically (i.e. many years before most/all of you were born), use of Unix was restricted to a command-line interface: there were no (graphical) windowing systems and users interacted with the operating system to achieve their aims by sitting in front of a monitor with an attached keyboard, known as a terminal, and typing certain sequences, known as commands.  Every time one hit enter/return on the keyboard the OS would interpret what had been typed---i.e. the line of text that had been entered---as a command, and provided that the syntax of the command was correct, would execute it, i.e. would perform whatever task the command defined.

Today, the most common way of interacting with a Unix system is via a desktop environment, or GUI (Graphical User Interface). As with the analogous systems on PCs, Macs, smartphones etc. these GUIs largely eliminate the need to issue commands by providing intuitive visual metaphors for most common tasks such as creating, moving and copying files, or starting applications.  Indeed, most of you will have interacted with computers and related devices (tablets, cellphones, etc.) only through GUIs.  For those of you who use Macs, observe that Mac OS is based on a version of Unix so that you can As a side remark, it is also worth noting at this point that most, if not all, of your smartphones are running some form of Unix.)  We will use the GUI/desktop as one mode of interaction with Unix/Linux in the computer lab.

That said, a key aspect of this course is to expose you to the art of using the command line in Unix. The command-line approach, which is the primary focus of these notes, is still well worth mastering for a variety of reasons, including:

Additionally, a principal goal of the course is to develop/enhance your programming prowess and, at an operational level, developing command-line proficiency requires the acquisition of, and appreciation for, basic skills that are essential for successful programming in virtually  any computer language.  In this regard it is crucial to emphasize the following, which is obvious to those of us who have lived through the computer revolution, but may not be so to you:

Given this, two of the key issues that neophyte programmers must grapple with are

I think it fair to say that many of the students who have previously taken this course have not fully appreciated the above points, at least in the early phases of the course.  Understandably, they have often been mystified and/or confused and/or irritated by the command-line approach, not only due its arcane nature, but because using the GUI is more intuitive and is more natural.  Understandably, they thus tend to avoid the command-line so that at course-end, for example, if I ask one of them to move a file from one place to another from the command line they struggle, whereas it is absolutely obvious to them how to do the job from the GUI.

So, in ending this preamble,  I ask you to trust me that learning to use the command-line is well worth your time.


The versions of Unix implemented by specific vendors (or programming teams) typically have specific names. In particular, the departmental Physics & Astronomy (PHAS) machines (including those in the computer lab) have the Linux variant of Unix installed on them. Linux was originally coded in large part by Linus Torvalds for PCs (and building on a huge amount of previous and continuing work by the GNU project), and is now widely distributed (typically at no cost!) by many different companies and organizations. Further, the specific flavour of Linux that is installed on the PHAS machines is Mageia. Again, however, what is described in the following should work largely as-is on other Linux flavours, as well as on other vendor-specific versions of Unix. 

If you have a laptop and/or home desktop that is running a Windows XP, Vista or 7 (and perhaps 8) it should be possible for you to install Mageia, or some other flavour of Linux, on that/those machines. If you are interested in doing this, you should contact me or one of the TAs during a lab session.

Also,  for you Mac users, note that Mac OS is based on a version of Unix so that you can practice what is covered below using the Terminal application that you can hunt down with the Finder.

When you type commands in Unix, you are actually interacting with the OS through a special program called a shell, which provides a more user-friendly command-line interface than that defined by the basic Unix commands themselves. In this course, we will  focus on the use of bash ("bourne again shell") which over the years has become the most commonly used shell in the Linux community. However, you should be aware that there are other shells available for your use (in fact, on many systems you can change your default shell using the chsh command. In particular, tcsh is still in widespread use and if you are interested in learning a bit about its features, you can start with a version of these notes that discusses it in some detail. However, particularly if you are new to Linux I recommend that you stick with bash for the duration of the course.

In the notes that follow, commands that you type to the shell, as well as the output from the commands and the shell prompt (usually denoted "% ") will appear in typewriter font and in a colored box. Here's an example

% pwd
% date
Mon Sep 1 10:14:57 PDT 2014
Note that the appearance of  the prompt is the shell's way of telling you that is waiting for you to enter a command.

If you are going through these notes online (and if you aren't familiar with Unix, then you should!), then you should have at least one active shell running in which to type sample commands. I will often refer to a window in which a shell is executing as the terminal.

Interacting with the Shell: Keyboard and Mouse Features

One very useful feature of bash is the ability to recall previously executed commands, and to edit them via the "arrow" keys (as well as "Delete" and "Backspace"). After you have typed a few commands, hit the "up arrow" key a few times and note how you scroll back through the commands you have previously issued. Use the "down arrow" the same number of times to return to the basic prompt.

There is another handy feature of bash and other shells (which should be enabled by default on your lab accounts), which is generically known as completion. The basic idea is that you can type the first few characters of a command name (i.e. the first word typed after the prompt), or a filename (i.e. essentially any word that follows a command name), and then depress the TAB key.  If there is a unique command name (filename) that begins with the characters that you have typed, the shell will automatically complete the command name (filename). Especially for long command names this can save a considerable amount of typing.  If the initial few characters that you have typed do not uniquely identify a command or filename, then the shell will either display all of the commands (filenames) that start with the string of characters that you have typed, or, if there are a lot of such commands (filenames), will prompt you to enter y should you wish to see them all.  In the former case (i.e. when there aren't many matches) you can type additional characters and use TAB at any point to attempt a completion.

You should also become familiar with the use of the mouse (or equivalent mouse device) to select, cut and paste text within a shell, as well as within many other Unix applications. Historically, Unix systems have tended to use a three button mouse, and the following instructions assume that you are using one: in the current era, mice usually have only two buttons. In this case, third-button-actions can often be emulated by depressing the two buttons simultaneously.  Additionally, for those mice that have a roller, depressing the roller will act as a third-button click. Here, then, are the basic text manipulation actions that can be achieved using the mouse:

Note that you can you these techniques to transfer selected text between different windows; i.e. between different shells, a shell and a text editor window, text displayed in some window, and the URL type-in of your browser etc. etc.  Also observe that in many applications, depressing the right mouse button (which is not used for the actions described above) will bring down a menu that will typically have selections such as copy, paste, cut, undo ..., and it's a good idea to become familiar with that mechanism. In addition, the mapping of mouse buttons tends to be configurable in Linux distributions. Finally, if you intend to use a Mac to do some of the course work, I assume that you already know how to accomplish text selection, cut and paste and the like.

Linux Desktop Environments

As mentioned above, modern implementations of Unix, including Linux, typically come with GUIs, more specifically known as desktop environments (DEs), through which users interact. These environments are quite similar to what you are no doubt used to from your experience with PCs running Windows, or Macs running Mac OS.  Even though the notes below focus on command-line Unix / Linux, when you login to one of the workstations in the computer lab, you will be fundamentally interfacing with the operating system through a DE. In particular, you will actually have to start up (launch) a terminal application (window) within the DE in order to perform the type of command-line work detailed below.

Although many desktop environments are available for use with Linux, the two most popular are

The Mageia distribution that we are using allows you to select at login time which desktop you wish to use, but the configuration of the lab machines and the course note assume that you are using KDE/Plasma.  User documentation for KDE is available HERE, as well as via the desktop itself, once you login to one of the lab machines. Unfortunately, the KDE documentation often leaves something to be desired. However, in our early lab sessions you will become familiar with key features of KDE that will be needed for course work, and I am confident that it will be a straightforward matter for you to become expert in its use as the course progresses.

Files and Directories (aka Folders)

It is important that you be familiar with the notion of a hierarchical organization (tree structure) of files and directories that most modern operating systems employ. If you are not, refer to one of the Unix references or on-line tutorials that I have suggested, or ask myself or one of the TAs for help. There are essentially only two types of files in Unix: Absolute and relative pathnames, working directory: All Unix filesystems are rooted in the special directory called / (forward slash). All files within the filesystem have absolute pathnames that begin with / and that describe the path down the file tree to the file in question. Thus
refers to a file named junk that resides in a directory with absolute pathname
that itself lives in directory
that is contained in the root directory
In addition to specifying the absolute pathname, files may be uniquely specified using relative pathnames. The shell maintains a notion of your current location in the directory hierarchy, known, appropriately enough, as the working directory (hereafter abbreviated WD). The name of the working directory may be printed using the pwd command:
% pwd
If you refer to a filename such as
or a pathname such as
so that the reference does not begin with a /, the reference is identical to an absolute pathname constructed by prepending the WD, followed by a /,  to the relative reference. Thus, assuming that my working directory is
the two previous relative pathnames are identical to the absolute pathnames
Note that although these files have the same filename foo, they have different absolute pathnames, and hence are distinct files.

Home directories: Each user of a Unix system typically has a single directory called his/her home directory that serves as the base of his/her personal files. The command cd (change [working] directory) with no arguments will always take you to your home directory. On the lab machines you should see something like this

% cd
% pwd
When using bash, you may refer to your home directory using a tilde (~). Thus, assuming my home directory is
% cd ~
% cd ~/dir1/dir2
are identical to
% cd /home/choptuik
% cd /home/choptuik/dir1/dir2
respectively. (Note that cd dirname causes the shell to change the working directory to dirname, assuming that dirname is a directory.) bash will also let you abbreviate other users' home directories by prepending a tilde to the user name. Thus, provided I have permission to change to phys210t's home directory,
% cd ~phys210t
will take me there.

"Dot" and "Dot-Dot": Unix uses a single period (.) and two periods (..) to refer to the working directory and the parent of the working directory, respectively:

% cd ~phys210t/dir1
% pwd
% cd ..
% pwd
% cd .
% pwd
Note that
% cd .
does nothing---the working directory remains the same. However, the . notation is often used when copying or moving files into the working directory.

Filenames: There are relatively few restrictions on filenames in Unix. On most systems (including Linux systems), the length of a filename cannot exceed 255 characters. Any character except slash (/) (for obvious reasons) and "null" may be used. However, you should avoid using characters that are special to the shell (such as ( ) * ? $ !) as well as blanks (spaces). In fact, it is probably a good idea to stick to the set:

a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . -
As with other operating systems, the period is often used to separate the "body" of a filename from an "extension" as in:
program.c  (extension .c)
paper.tex (extension .tex)
the.longextension (extension .longextension)
noextension (no extension)
Note that in contrast to some other operating systems, extensions are not required, and are not restricted to some fixed length (often 3 on other systems). In general, extensions are meaningful only to specific applications, or classes of applications, not to all applications. The underscore and minus sign are often used to create more "human readable" filenames such as:
You can embed blanks in Unix filenames, but it is not recommended.

Unix generally makes it difficult for you to create a filename that starts with a minus. It is also non-trivial to get rid of such a file, so be careful. If you accidentally create a file with a name containing characters special to the shell (such as * or ?), the best thing to do is remove or rename (move) the file immediately by enclosing its name in single quotes to prevent shell evaluation:

% rm -i 'file_name_with_an_embedded_*_asterisk'
% mv 'file_name_with_an_embedded_*_asterisk' sane_name
Note that the single quotes in this example are forward-quotes (' ').   Backward quotes (` `) have a completely different meaning to the shell.

Commands Overview

General Structure: The general structure of Unix commands is given schematically by
command_name [options] [arguments]
where square brackets ('[...]') denote optional quantities. Options to Unix commands are frequently single alphanumeric characters preceded by a minus sign as in:
% ls -l
% cp -R ...
% man -k ...
On Linux systems, many commands also accept options that are longer than a single character; by convention, these options are preceded by two minus signs as in:
% ls --color=auto -CF
Arguments are typically names of files or directories or other text strings that do not start with - (or --). Individual arguments are separated by whitespace (one or more spaces or tabs):
% cp file1 file2  
% grep 'a string' file1
There are two arguments in both of the above examples; note the use of single quotes to supply the grep command with an argument that contains a space. The command
% grep a string file1
which has three arguments has a completely different meaning.

Executables and Paths: In Unix, a command such as ls or cp is usually the name of a file that is known to the system to be executable (see the discussion of chmod below). To invoke the command, you must either type the absolute pathname of the executable file or ensure that the file can be found in one of the directories specified by your path. In bash, the current list of directories that constitute your path is maintained in the environment variable, PATH (note that case is significant for bash variables). To display the contents of this variable, type:

% echo $PATH
(Observe that the $ mechanism is the standard way of evaluating local variables and environment (global) variables alike, and that the echo command simply "echoes" its arguments). On the lab machines the resulting output should look something like
.:/home/phys210t/bin:/home/phys210/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/games: ...
Note that the directories in the path are separated by a colon (:) and no whitespace and that the . in the output indicates that the working directory is in your path. The order in which path-components appear in the path (first . (dot),  then /home/phys210t/bin, then /home/phys210/bin, etc.) is important. When you invoke a command without using an absolute pathname as in
% ls
the system looks in each directory in your path---and in the specified order---until it finds a file with the appropriate name. If no such file is found, an error message is printed:
% helpme
-bash: helpme: command not found
The path variable is often set for you in a special system file each time a shell starts up, and it is conventional to modify the default setting by setting the PATH environment variable in your ~/.bashrc file. For an example, view the contents of the course default ~/.bashrc below.

Control Characters: The following control characters typically have the following special meanings or uses within bash. (If they don't, then your keyboard bindings are "non-standard" and you may wish to contact the system administrator about it.) You should familiarize yourself with the action and typical usage of each. I will use a caret (^) to denote the Control (Ctrl) key. Then

% ^Z 
for example, means depress the z-key (upper or lower case) while simultaneously holding down the Control key.

bash Startup Files: You can customize the environment that results whenever a new bash starts by creating and/or modifying certain startup files that reside in your home directory.  Before  proceeding, however, we must note that bash makes a distinction between login shells and purely interactive shells, and executes a different startup file (assuming that it exists) in each case.  You will start a bash login shell if, for example, you connect to the main physics server, hyper, from a remote machine such as your home computer.  In this case you will have to go through the login procedure of typing your user (account) name and your password.  On the other hand, shells that you start from the Linux GUI on one of the workstations in the computer lab, for example, will be purely interactive. In this instance the computer already "knows" who you are and that you are logged in, and does not ask you for your login name or password.  Given this, the two most important startup files (there are more, but we don't have to discuss them here, and you can get the full details from the bash man page) are as follows:

For the purposes of this course (and for most users, in my opinion) it is a bit of a nuisance to have two separate startup files, each of which is executed only when a particular type of bash starts, since one will generally want the same customization commands executed in both cases.  Fortunately, there is a relatively easy fix to this nuisance which is to:
  1. Do all of your customizations in the ~/.bashrc file,
  2. Keep the ~/.profile file as simple as possible
  3. As the last command in the ~/.profile file, execute the commands in the ~/.bashrc file, using for example the lines
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    source ~/.bashrc
    Note that the first line of the above constitutes a test for the existence of the ~/.bashrc file, while the source ~/.bashrc command then executes the contents of the ~/.bashrc file, provided that it exists (i.e. the source command tells the shell to execute the commands in the file that is supplied as an argument to it). When sourcing or otherwise manipulating files in startup files, you should always perform this type of existence check.  Otherwise an error message is apt to be generated, and this can sometimes cause problems with the overall startup process.
IMPORTANT!!  Whenever you modify ~/.profile and/or ~/.bashrc on the lab machines (or any other Unix system, for that matter) you should abide by the following procedure:
  1. ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP COPY of  the startup file, using for example
    % cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.O
  2. During the process of modifying one of the startup files, always keep at least one terminal window open to the machine until you have tested (via ssh to the machine, for example, see below for information on ssh) that you can still login.  The reason that this is so vital is that it is possible that your modifications will introduce one or more bugs into the startup files which can make it impossible for you to login.  However, as long as the terminal window to the machine remains open, you can kill the failed login process (e.g. the ssh command) as necessary using ^C, try to correct the bugs, and repeat the test login procedure.  Finally, if you can't get your desired modifications to work, you can then restore the original contents of the startup file(s) from the saved copy using, e.g.
    % cp ~/.bashrc.O ~/.bashrc

Hidden Files: Note that files whose name begins with a period (.) are called hidden files since they do not normally show up in the listing produced by the ls command. Use
% cd; ls -a
for example, to print the names of all files in your home directory. Note that I have introduced another piece of shell syntax in the above example; the ability to type multiple commands separated by semicolons (;) on a single line. There is no guaranteed way to list only the hidden files in a directory, however
% ls -d .??*
will usually come close. At this point it may not be clear to you why this works; if it isn't, you may want try to figure it out after you have gone through these notes and possibly looked at the man page for ls.

Shell Aliases: As you will discover, the syntax of many Unix commands is quite complicated and furthermore, the "bare-bones" version of some commands is less than ideal for interactive use, particularly by novices. bash provides a simple mechanism called aliasing that allows you to easily remedy these deficiencies in many cases. The basic syntax for aliasing is

% alias name=string
where name is the name (use the same considerations for choosing an alias name as for filenames; i.e. avoid special characters) of the alias and string is a text string that is substituted for name when name is used as if it were a command. The following examples should illustrate the basic idea, (see the bash documentation (man bash) for a few more details, should you wish):
% alias ls='ls -FC'
provides an alias for the ls command that uses the -F and -C options (these options are described in the discussion of the ls command below). Note that the single quotes in the alias definition are essential if the definition contains special characters, including whitespace (recall that whitespace =  spaces/blanks and or TAB characters); it is good defensive programming to always include them.

The following lines define aliases for rm, cp and mv (see below) that will not clobber (destroy/overwrite) files without first asking you for explicit confirmation. They are highly recommended for novices and experts alike.

% alias rm='rm -i'
% alias cp='cp -i'
% alias mv='mv -i'
The following lines define aliases RM, CP, and MV that act like the "bare" Unix commands rm, cp and mv (i.e. that are not cautious). Use them when you are sure you are about to do the correct thing: the presumption here is that you have to think a little more to type the upper-case command.
% alias RM='/bin/rm'
% alias CP='/bin/cp'
% alias MV='/bin/mv'
To see a list of all your current aliases, simply type
% alias
Note that all of the preceding aliases (and a few more) are defined in the file ~phys210/.aliases on the lab machines. If you adopt your .bashrc and .profile from ~phys210/.bashrc and ~phys210/.profile, respectively, as we will ask you to do in an early lab session, and also copy ~phys210/.aliases to your home directory, then the aliases will automatically be available for your use when bash starts up, since the lines 
if [ -f ~/.aliases ]; then
source ~/.aliases
appear in the template .bashrc. (Recall that source file tells the shell to execute the commands in the file file). Although the use of a separate ~/.alias file is not a "standardized" approach, I commend it to you as a means of keeping your ~/.bashrc relatively uncluttered if you define a lot of aliases. However, if you wish, you can simply add alias definitions to your ~/.bashrc, or define them interactively at the command line at any time.

Note that (in contrast to the tcsh, for example) there is no facility for processing command arguments when using bash aliases: the alias mechanism simply (non-recursively) replaces one piece of text with another. However, should you wish to define your own shell commands that do process arguments, this can be readily done using shell scripts or shell functions, both of which are discussed below in the Basic Shell Programming section.

Default 210 Startup Files: You can view the contents of ~phys210/.bashrc, ~phys210/.profile and ~phys210/.aliases by clicking on the links below. Shell Options: As already mentioned above in the context of the End-of-file control character, ^D, many features of bash can be controlled using the set builtin command.  You can refer to the set builtin section of the online manual (as well as the man page for bash) for complete details on what can be configured, and how to use set to do the configuration.

The local variable SHELLOPTS stores a colon-delimited list of the currently defined options, so you can view the current options using
where the output from the echo command is typical of what you can expect to see on your lab account.

Basic Commands

The following list is by no means exhaustive, but rather represents what I consider an essential base set of Unix commands (organized roughly by topic) with which you should familiarize yourself. Refer to the man pages, or one of the suggested Unix references for additional information.

Getting Help or Information:


Use man (short for manual) to print information about a specific Unix command, or to print a list of commands that have something to do with a specified topic (-k option, for keyword). Although these days it is often easy to get info about a command via an online search (Google e.g.) it is still worth becoming familiar with man. Although the level of intelligibility for commands (especially for novices) varies widely, most basic commands are thoroughly described in their man pages, with usage examples in many cases. It helps to develop an ability to scan quickly through text looking for specific information you feel will be of use. Examples of man invocations include:

% man man
to get detailed information on the man command itself,
% man cp
for information on cp and
% man -k compiler
to get a list of commands having something to do with the topic 'compiler'. The command apropos, found on most Unix systems, is essentially an alias for man -k.

Output from man will typically look like

% man man

man(1) General Commands Manual man(1)

man - format and display the on-line manual pages

man [-acdfFhkKtwW] [--path] [-m system] [-p string] [-C config_file]
[-M pathlist] [-P pager] [-B browser] [-H htmlpager] [-S section_list]
[section] name ...

man formats and displays the on-line manual pages. If you specify sec-
tion, man only looks in that section of the manual. name is normally
the name of the manual page, which is typically the name of a command,
function, or file. However, if name contains a slash (/) then man
interprets it as a file specification, so that you can do man ./foo.5
or even man /cd/foo/bar.1.gz.

See below for a description of where man looks for the manual page

The standard sections of the manual include:

1 User Commands


for a specific command and,
% man -k language

ALTER_LANGUAGE (7) - change the definition of a procedural language
CREATE_LANGUAGE (7) - define a new procedural language
DROP_LANGUAGE (7) - remove a procedural language
octave (1) - A high-level interactive language for numerical computations
perl (1) - The Perl 5 language interpreter
perlfaq7 (1) - General Perl Language Issues
perlxs (1) - XS language reference manual
pt::json_language [pt_json_language] (n) - The JSON Grammar Exchange Format
pt::peg_language [pt_peg_language] (n) - PEG Language Tutorial
python [python2] (1) - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming ...
python [python3] (1) - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming ...
ruby (1) - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language

for a keyword-based search. Note that the output from man -k ... is a list of commands and brief synopses. You can then get detailed information about any specific command (say python in the current example), with another man command:
% man python
Also note that the output from man is fed (piped) into the more command, so refer to the description of more below (or the man page for more!) for some details that will allow you to page forward and backward, and search for text, in a particular man page.
Communicating with Other Machines:


Use ssh to establish a secure (i.e. encrypted) connection from one Unix machine to another. This is the basic mechanism that can be used to (1) start a Unix shell on a remote host and (2) execute one or more Unix commands on such a machine. During this course, you will probably find this command most useful if you are using a ssh client such as putty on one of your personal machines to login to the main physics server,  However, ssh is extensively used in the "real world" for logging in from one machine to another, where each machine is typically running some flavour of Unix.

Typical usage of ssh is

bh0% ssh -l choptuik
which will initiate a remote-login for user choptuik on the machine  When I enter this command, I will be prompted for my password (for the account choptuik) on hyper.
[email protected]'s password:
The following commands are equivalent to the above invocation:
% ssh [email protected]
% slogin -l choptuik
% slogin [email protected]

The first of the above alternate forms is generally the most convenient to type, and is the one that I use.

If a final non-option argument is supplied to ssh, it is interpreted as a command to be executed remotely. In this case, control immediately returns to the invoking shell after completion (successful, or otherwise) of the command(s), as seen in the following examples, where the password prompts have been suppressed:

hyper% ssh [email protected] date
Mon Sep 1 10:39:21 PDT 2014
If you wish to execute more than one command on the remote host, separate them with
semi-colons, and enclose the entire sequence in single quotes:
hyper% ssh [email protected] 'pwd; date' 
Mon Sep 1 10:40:03 PDT 2014
Important: Note that you cannot ssh into any of the lab machines per se, but this is irrelevant since your home directory on hyper is the same as it is on the lab machines (so that all of your directories/files are accessible on hyper), and all of the software used in the course (xmaple and matlab in particular) is available on hyper.

Enabling X-forwarding with ssh: One very useful option to the ssh command is -X,  which enables X11 forwarding. In a nutshell, this means that if you initiate the ssh command from a Unix graphical desktop environment (including Mac OS, as well as KDE, GNOME and others on Linux), and then start a graphical application (such as konsole, kate, xmaple, etc.) on the remote machine, the application will display on the local graphical desktop.  Typical usage with this option would be
lab-machine% ssh -X [email protected]

bh0% kate
and, assuming that I was logged into one of the lab machines, the kate window running on bh0 would be displayed on my workstation desktop.  If I had not enabled X11 forwarding in the ssh command, then when I tried starting kate, I would get an error message such as the following:
bh0% kate
kate: cannot connect to X server
Note that X is the venerable windowing software---developed at MIT---on which almost all Unix desktop environments are ultimately based.  X11 is the current version of the software, and has actually been current since 1987!  See the Wikipedia entry for X11 additional information should you be interested. 

Gory Details of ssh: In contrast to many of the other commands described here, the behaviour of ssh depends crucially on the current context for the command, which, by convention, ssh stores as a number of files in the directory ~/.ssh (i.e. as a number of files in a directory named .ssh, located in your home directory). If ~/.ssh does not exist (which nominally means that you have yet to issue the ssh command from that specific account), it will automatically be created, and certain files within ~/.ssh will be created and/or modified.

For example, assume that as [email protected], I have never used the ssh command. However, I can and do login into (as choptuik) using one of the workstations in the computer lab, and start up a command shell. I can now establish a secure connection to my account on via ssh as follows:

hyper% ssh [email protected]

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ff:12:42:f2:37:2d:5c:d6:d2:be:59:f8:34:b3:1b:c8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
This message from ssh is a warning that essentially tells me that I have not connected before to the host  It gives me a chance to check the ssh invocation to ensure that I've typed everything correctly, to safeguard against security issues that we won't delve into here.  Because I'm sure that I want to connect, I enter yes.  The output from the ssh command then continues:
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list ... 
[email protected]'s password:
After correctly typing my password for matt@bh0, I am left in a shell running on bh0, and I can now "work" (i.e. issue Unix commands) within that shell.

When I'm done my work on bh0, I can use the logout (or exit) command

bh0% logout
Connection to closed.
to return to hyper.

Assuming I've done the above, I now see that the directory ~/.ssh has been created, and contains the file known_hosts:

hyper% cd ~/.ssh
hyper% ls
The purpose of the known_hosts file is to maintain identification information for hosts to which I've previously ssh'ed.  In particular, the next time I ssh from hyper to bh0, the message 'The authenticity of host ...' will not appear, and ssh will "automatically" connect to bh0.
hyper% ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Refer to the man page on ssh  for full details on this command.


All of you are undoubtedly already expert in the sending and receiving of e-mail, using one or more of your favourite mail clients, and I will use the "Connect/Blackboard" system to communicate electronically with the class as a whole. Note that this mechanism does not allow me to directly see your individual e-mail addresses, so if you want to get personalized e-mail from myself or the TAs, you will need to first send us a message to which we can reply.

In this course, you will not be required to use a mail client on your physics account.

However, in the spirit of mastering command-line Unix, we consider a brief illustration of the use of a very old, and, especially for your generation, a very primitive mail client known as Mail (we've already encountered this program in our discussion of control characters):

Again, here's a basic example showing how to use Mail to send a message:

% Mail -s "this is the subject" [email protected]
This is a one line test message.
Note that multiple recipients can be specified on the command line. Another form involves redirection from a file.
% Mail -s "sending a file as a message" [email protected] < message
sends the contents of file message with the subject field of the e-mail set to 'sending a file as a message'.

If you are interested, you can consult the man page for Mail for additional information on its use. Most importantly, you should note that although it may seem like obsolete technology, the type of usage illustrated above can be quite useful.  For example, you might write a script that takes a long time to accomplish some task. It can then be convenient to have the script send you a message when it has completed. This is cumbersome, if not impossible, to accomplish using GUI-based mail clients, but is essentially trivial with Mail.

Exiting bash / Logging out:


Type exit to leave both login and purely interactive shells.

If there are suspended jobs (see job control below), you will get a warning message, and you will not be logged out.

% exit
There are stopped jobs
If you then type exit a second time (with no intervening command), the system assumes you have decided you don't care about the suspended jobs, and will log you out. Alternatively, you can deal with the suspended jobs, and then exit


logout has the same effect as exit, but can only be used in login shells.  If you enter logout in a purely interactive shell, you will receive the message

% logout
bash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'

Changing your passwd


Use passwd to change your account password on a Unix system.

If you decide that you want to change your password on the PHAS machines, including those in the computer lab, you will have to login to the main physics server, to do so.

When you execute passwd there you will first be prompted for your current password, and then you will be asked to type your new password twice.  If the password-setting program doesn't like your new password (if it's too short, e.g.) you will be asked you to make up a new one.  Currently, passwords on hyper (and thus the lab machines) must be at least 10 characters (and 12 or more is recommended), and must include at least one each of: upper-case, lower-case, numbers and punctuation (only 2 of the 4 are required if the password is longer than 15 characters).

Here's a trace of a typical invocation of passwd: note that I am assuming that I am working on a lab machine, so I  first ssh to hyper using my current password, then execute the passwd command:

bh0% ssh [email protected]

[email protected]'s password:

Last login: Mon Sep 1 10:24:02 2014 from

I'm now logged into hyper

% passwd

Old password:
Checking, please wait ...
Reenter Password:
Password okay. Changing password ...
Please wait.....done.

Important note: Again, do not use passwd directly on the lab machines (i.e. without having ssh-ed into hyper).  The passwd command will appear to work on those computers, but in fact it does not.

Creating, Manipulating and Viewing Files (including Directories):

Text editors: kate, gedit, vi (vim / gvim) or emacs (xemacs)

Although you may find it somewhat painful (especially if you've developed a serious relationship with Microsoft Word), I consider it an absolutely key goal for everyone in this course to become reasonably proficient in at least one of the text editors: kate, gedit, vi, gvim or emacs (or some other text editor installed on the lab machines that is instructor-approved). Note that a text editor, although similar in spirit to a word processor, really has a different fundamental purpose. As the name suggests, this is to create and manipulate files that contain plain text (i.e. files for which many of the features of modern word processors, such as the ability to create documents that use different fonts, font-sizes, styles, colours ... and/or that include tables, figures etc. etc. are completely irrelevant).  Plain text files are central to the use of most programming languages and programming environments in Unix, as well as to the configuration and customization of the operating system itself. During the course, many of the homework assignments, as well as your term projects, will require the creation of this type of file.

Unless you are already familiar with another Linux text editor which is installed on the lab machines, I recommend you use kate, which is the default editor for the KDE desktop (gedit, which is the default for GNOME, is very similar, and you are free to use it should you wish).

kate provides an intuitive user interface (i.e. a GUI) which, although perhaps not as visually striking, or feature-rich, closely resembles that of word processors with which you will no doubt be familiar. I expect that most of you will be able to readily master kate, with little if any help,  If you do need assistance, the application provides an extensive help facility that is available from the main menu bar. Note that kate implements the mouse-text-manipulation features discussed in the introductory section: various pieces of text can be selected using the sweeping, double and triple clicking actions described above, and then can be pasted by positioning the cursor and depressing the middle mouse button. Also observe that kate may not be available on some non-Linux Unix systems that you may need to work on, but given the introductory nature of this course, I don't consider that sufficient reason to dissuade you from its use.

For those interested in becoming Unix/Linux gurus

vi and emacs are the two major "traditional" text-editors that are found on most Unix implementations (certainly vi should be!) Both are themselves text-based; that is, they do not provide a GUI, and for the most part, do not allow for manipulation of the text being edited with the mouse.  Moreover, vi developed a reputation for being suitable mainly for "hardcore" users, who didn't mind dealing with its rather unique, simplistic, and not entirely intuitive (to put it mildly!) user interface. emacs, on the other hand, was viewed as a much more elegant, powerful and full-featured editor, to the point that with a suitable configuration, you could get emacs to do just about everything but make coffee.  Personally, I use vi, since that's the editor I first encountered on Unix, and although it is a good idea for any Unix user to know a bit about vi (if only because some of its syntax appears in many other standard Unix commands), I would strongly recommend that any of you who know neither vi or emacs, and who wish to learn one of them, seriously consider learning emacs, at least to start.  In addition, if you intend to become a serious Unix user, then you really should learn how to use one of these text-based editors, since you will almost certainly encounter situations where you need to edit files using a basic terminal session that will not support the use of a GUI.

Over the years, vi on Linux systems has evolved to become vim (for Vi IMproved), so that, for example, if you execute vi on the lab machines, it is actually vim that starts up.  This is a minor point, but something to keep in mind should you be looking online for information concerning vi (i.e. you should probably search for information on vim).

The good news is that there is now a GUI-based version of vi / vim called, gvim, and the version of emacs installed on the lab machines uses a GUI by default. You are more than welcome to use these rather than their text-based antecedents for course work. Again note, however, that these GUIs are not as user friendly as the word processing software that you are probably accustomed to (or kate for that matter) but they will, for example, allow you to use the mouse to position the cursor as well as to highlight text and cut. Again, it is up to you which text editor you choose to use, but we really want you to learn to use at least one that isn't a Microsoft or Mac/Apple product!


Use more to view the contents of one or more files, one page at a time. For example:

% more /usr/share/dict/words

In this case I have executed the more command in a shell window containing only a few lines (i.e. my pages are short). The
message is actually a prompt: hit the space bar to see the next page, type b to backup a page, and type q to quit viewing the file. You can also search for a string in the output by typing a '/' (forward slash) followed by the text to be located:


Refer to the man page for additional features of the command.  We have already noted that output from man is typically piped through more.


Although many of the applications that you will be using in the computer lab will have their own printing facilities which will be of the type that is likely familiar to you, is also possible to print files from the command line with the lpr command. If no options are passed to lpr, files are sent to the system-default printer, or to the printer specified by your PRINTER environment variable, if it is set. Typical usage is

% lpr file_to_be_printed
The default printer on the lab machines is the Xerox ColorQube 8870 in Hennings 203 and, by default, printing will be two-sided (duplex). Should you need to make one-sided hard copy, print the file using the -o sides=one-sided option:
% lpr -o sides=one-sided file_to_be_printed

cd and pwd

Use cd and pwd to change (set) and print, respectively, your working directory. We have already seen examples of these commands above. Here's a summary of typical usages (again note the use of semi-colons to separate distinct Unix commands issued on the same line):

% cd
% pwd

% cd ~; pwd

% cd /tmp; pwd

% cd ~phys210; pwd

% cd ..; pwd

% cd phys210; pwd
Recall that .. refers to the parent directory of the working directory so that
% cd ..
takes you up one level (closer to the root) in the file system hierarchy. 


Use ls to list the contents of one or more directories. On Linux systems, I advocate the use of the alias

% alias ls='ls --color=auto -FC'
which will cause ls to
  1. Append special characters (notably * for executables, / for directories and @ for symbolic links) to the names of certain files (the -F option),
  2. List in columns (the -C option).
  3. Color-code the output, again according to the type of the file.
Example (with color coding suppressed)
% cd ~phys210t
% ls
cmd* dir1/ dir2/
Note that the file cmd is marked executable while dir1 and dir2 are directories. To see hidden files and directories, use the -a option:
% cd ~phys210t 
% ls -a
./ .Xauthority .bash_history .gnupg/ cmd* dir2/
../ .aliases .bashrc .profile dir1/
and to view the files in "long" format, use -l:
% cd ~phys210t
% ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 phys210t public 39 Aug 23 2012 cmd*
drwxr-xr-x 4 phys210t public 4096 Aug 23 2012 dir1/
drwxr-xr-x 2 phys210t public 4096 Aug 23 2012 dir2/
The output in this case is worthy of a bit of explanation. First observe that ls produces one line of output per file/directory listed. The first field in each listing line consists of 10 characters that are further subdivided as follows: Thus, in the above example, cmd is a regular file, with read, write and execute permissions enabled for the owner (user phys210t) and read and execute permissions enabled for members of group public and all other users. dir1 and dir2 are seen to be directories with the same permissions. Note that you must have execute permission for a directory in order to be able to cd to it, and read permission in order to access any of the files it contains (including getting a listing of those files via ls).  See chmod below for more information on setting file permissions. Continuing to decipher the long file listing, the next column lists the number of links to this file (advanced topic) then comes the name of the user who owns the file and the owner's group. Next comes the size of the file in bytes, then the date and time the file was last modified, and finally the name of the file.

If any of the arguments to ls is a directory, then the contents of that directory are listed. Finally, note that the -R option will recursively list sub-directories:

% cd ~phys210t; pwd

% ls -R
cmd* dir1/ dir2/

file_1 subdir1/ subdir2/



Note how each sub-listing begins with the relative pathname to the directory followed by a colon. For kicks, you might want to try
% cd /
% ls -R
which will list essentially all the files on the system which you can read (have read permission for). Type ^C when you get bored.


Use mkdir to make (create) one or more directories. Sample usage:

% cd ~
% mkdir tempdir
% cd tempdir; pwd
If you need to make a 'deep' directory (i.e. a directory for which one or more parents do not exist) use the -p option to automatically create parents as needed:
% cd ~
% mkdir -p a/long/way/down
% cd a/long/way/down; pwd
In this case, the mkdir command made the directories
/home/choptuik/a   /home/choptuik/a/long    /home/choptuik/a/long/way
and, finally


Use cp to (1) make a copy of a file, (2) copy one or more files to a directory, or (3) duplicate an entire directory structure. The simplest usage is the first, as in:

% cp foo bar
which copies the contents of file foo to file bar in the working directory. Assuming that cp is aliased to cp -i, as recommended, you will be prompted to confirm overwrite if bar already exists in the current directory; otherwise a new file named bar is created. Typical of the second usage is
% cp foo bar /tmp
which will create (or overwrite) files
/tmp/foo   /tmp/bar
with contents identical to foo and bar respectively. Note that /tmp is a special directory on Unix system for which all users have write access, and can thus be used as a convenient "temporary" location to create/store files/directories, which will not clutter up your home directory.

Finally, use cp with the -r (recursive) option to copy entire hierarchies (note that in the mkdir command below you should replace choptuik with your login name.):
% cd ~phys210t; ls -a
./ .aliases .bashrc dir1/ .profile .Xauthority
../ .bash_history cmd* dir2/ .viminfo

% mkdir -p /tmp/choptuik

% cp -r ~phys210t /tmp/choptuik
cp: cannot open '/home/phys210t/.bash_history' for reading: Permission denied
cp: cannot open '/home/phys210t/.Xauthority' for reading: Permission denied
cp: cannot access '/home/phys210t/.gnupg': Permission denied

% cd /tmp/choptuik/phys210t; ls -a
./ ../ .aliases .bashrc .gnupg/ .profile cmd* dir1/ dir2/
Study the above example carefully to make sure you understand what happened when the command
% cp -r ~phys210t /tmp
was issued. In brief, the directory /tmp/choptuik/phys210t was created and all contents of /home/phys210t (including hidden files) for which I had read permission were recursively copied into that new directory: sub-directories of /tmp/choptuik/phys210t were automatically created as required. 


Use mv to rename files, or to move files from one directory to another. Again, I assume that mv is aliased to mv -i so that you will be prompted if an existing file will be clobbered by the command. Here's a "rename" example

% ls

% mv thisfile thatfile
% ls
while the following sequence illustrates how several files might be moved up one level in the directory hierarchy:
% pwd 
% ls

% cd lev2
% ls
file1 file2 file3 file4

% mv file1 file2 file3 ..
% ls

% cd ..
% ls
file1 file2 file3 lev2/


Use rm to remove (delete) files or directory hierarchies. The use of the alias rm -i for cautious removal is highly recommended. Once you've removed a file in Unix there is essentially nothing you can do to (easily) recover it other than restoring a copy from backup media  (assuming the system is regularly backed up), and if the file was created since the last backup, you're really out of luck! Examples include:

% rm thisfile
to remove a single file,
% rm file1 file2 file3 
to remove several files at once, and
% rm -r thisdir
to remove all contents of directory thisdir, including the directory itself. Be particularly careful with this form of the command and note that
% rm thisdir
will not work. Unix will complain that thisdir is a directory. 


Use chmod to change the permissions on a file. See the discussion of ls above for a brief introduction to file-permissions and check the man pages for ls and chmod for additional information. Basically, file permissions control who can do what with your files. Who includes yourself (the user u), users in your group (g) and the rest of the world (the others o). What includes reading (r), writing (w, which itself includes removing/renaming) and executing (x, and recall that execution permission on a directory is required in order to cd to it).  When you create a new file, the system sets the permissions (or mode) of a file to default values that you can modify using the umask command. (See the discussion of umask in the man page for bash for more information).

On the lab machines your defaults should be such that you can do anything you want to a file you've created, while the rest of the world (including fellow group members) normally has read and, where appropriate, execute permission. As the man page will tell you, you can either specify permissions in numeric (octal) form or symbolically. I prefer the latter. Some examples that should be useful to you include:

% chmod go-rwx file_or_directory_to_hide
which removes all permissions from 'group' and 'others', effectively hiding the file/directory,
% chmod a+x executable_file
to make a file executable by everyone (a stands for all and is the union of user, group and other) and
% chmod a-w file_to_write_protect
to remove everyone's write permission to a file, including yours (i.e. the user's), which prevents accidental modification of particularly valuable information. Note that permissions are added with a + and removed with a -. You can also set permissions absolutely using an =, for example
% chmod a=r file_for_all_to_read


Use scp (whose syntax is an extension of cp) to copy files or hierarchies from one Unix system to another. scp is part of the ssh distribution, so will prompt you for a password for access to the remote account.

For example, assume I am logged into hyper and that I want to copy my ~/.bashrc file to a file named ~/.bashrc-hyper in my home directory on [email protected].  The following will do the trick

hyper% scp ~/.bashrc [email protected]:~/.bashrc-hyper
[email protected]'s password:
.bashrc 100% 1813 1.8KB/s 00:00
The last line in the above output is a status report that lists, in order, the name of file that was transferred, the percentage of the file transmitted  (for large files, or on slow connections, you will see this number being updated in "real time"), the number of bytes transferred, the approximate speed of the transfer, and the elapsed time for the copy.  If you wish to suppress this output use the -q (for quiet) option to the command:
hyper% scp -q ~/.bashrc [email protected]:~/.bashrc-hyper
The above example copies a file from the local host to a remote host.  You can use scp to go the other way as well: i.e. the command can be used bi-directionally between hosts.  Thus, for example, the following invocation will copy my ~/.aliases file on bh0 to the file ~/.aliases-bh0 on my account on hyper:
hyper% scp -q [email protected]:~/.aliases ~/.aliases-bh0

WARNING!! Be very careful using scp, particularly since there is no -i (cautious) option to warn you if existing files will be overwritten (there actually is a -i option, but it serves a completely different purpose!). Also note that there is a -r option for remote-copying entire hierarchies.

More About bash

Local Variables: bash allows for the definition of variables, which are used to store various pieces of information in the form of text strings. Indeed this basic notion of "variable" should be familiar to you if you have experience programming in a language such as C, Maple, Mathematica, python, Matlab etc. Further, bash distinguishes between two types of variables: local variables, whose values are available only in the current shell, and environment or global variables, whose values are inherited (accessible) by processes (including other shells) that are started within the current shell.

The syntax for defining a new local variable (or for changing its value) is simple:

% varname=value
As with file names and aliases, you should avoid names for shell variables (of either type) that contain special characters. Also, a variable name cannot begin with a number.  To access the value of a variable (or, synonymously, to evaluate the variable) we simply prefix the variable name with a $ (dollar sign). We can then use the echo command, which, as already mentioned in the section on executables and paths, simply "echoes" its arguments (see man echo for full details), to display the value.  Here are some examples:
% var1=val1
% echo $var1

% var1='val1'
% echo $var1

% var2='val1 val2 val3'
% echo $var2
val1 val2 val3
You should observe that the use of the prefix $ to evaluate a shell variable is quite different from the evaluation mechanism found in many other programming languages (e.g. Maple, C, Matlab), where use of the variable name itself generally results in evaluation (except when the name appears on the left hand side of an assignment).  When writing scripts that use variables it is a common mistake to forget to use the $ when needed, so be extra vigilant about this point if and when you do write scripts. 

Also, note the usage of the single quote characters (') to delimit the assignment value in the second and third examples: this is completely analogous to their use in our previous discussion of alias definitions. In the third example, the quotes are necessary since the value being assigned contains whitespace. In the second example, the quotes aren't needed, but they don't hurt either (i.e. we can view their inclusion as a bit of defensive programming).  It is also important to understand that the quotes themselves do not become part of the assigned value.  Finally, the double quote character (") can also be used as a delimiter in variable assignment, but as we will discuss in the section on using quotes, depending on the string that is enclosed in quotes, the ultimate value that is assigned to the variable can differ from that which would be obtained by using single quotes.

A major use of local variables occurs in the context of bash programming (writing bash scripts), which is described below, but which we will not explicitly cover in this course.

Environment Variables: As mentioned above, bash uses another type of variable---called an environment variable---which is often used for communication between the shell and other processes (possibly another shell, which does not necessarily have to be bash).  To see a list of all currently defined environment variables, use the env command:

% env

SSH_CLIENT= 58952 22

or the printenv command:
% printenv

SSH_CLIENT= 58952 22
and to display the values of one or more specific environment variables, supply the variable name(s) to printenv, or use the echo command in conjunction with the $ evaluation mechanism:
% printenv PWD

% printenv HOME PATH
.:/home/phys210t/bin:/home/phys210/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/games: ...

% echo $LOGNAME

% echo $SHELL $USER
/bin/bash phys210t
Many environment variables are automatically defined whenever bash starts; a list of a few of these is given below.  If you want to define your own environment variable, MYENV, say, and set its (initial) value, use the syntax
% export MYENV='value'
% printenv MYENV
The export keyword tells the shell that you are defining an environment variable, and not a local variable, but otherwise the assignment syntax is identical to that of local variables.  It is conventional, but not mandatory, to use all-uppercase names for environment variables. Also, once an environment variable is defined, and you wish to change its value, it is not necessary to use the export keyword again:
% MYENV='newvalue'; printenv MYENV 

Note that a key aspect of the global nature of environment variables is that they (and their values) are "inherited" by any shell that is executed within a running bash (which includes the shells that are always started whenever a bash script is executed). Thus, if after having executed the assignments above, I now start a new shell, the environment variable MYENV will be defined with its expected value:

% bash
A new shell starts ...
% printenv MYENV

Following is a list of a few of the environment variables that are generally predefined and/or redefined as necessary by bash:

Note that some environment variables, such as PATH, are often modified by the user (typically in a startup file).  Others, such as HOME and PWD, should not be altered from their system-defined values, for reasons that will hopefully be clear to you.

Using bash Pattern Matching: bash provides facilities that allow you to concisely refer to one or more files whose names match a given pattern. The process of translating patterns to actual filenames is known as filename expansion or globbing. Patterns are constructed using plain text strings and the following constructs, known as wildcards

? Matches any single character

* Matches any string of characters (including no

[a-z] (Example) Matches any single character contained
in the specified range (the match set)---unfortunately
(from the viewpoint of a Unix neophyte), the precise characters
that comprise the match set can vary from system to system,
due to the inherent ambiguity in how to order upper
and lower case letters (see note below).

[^a-z] (Example) Matches any single character
not contained in the specified range
Continuing, match sets may also be specified explicitly, as in
% ls ??
lists all regular (not hidden) files and directories whose names contain precisely two characters.
% cp a* /tmp
copies all files whose name begins with 'a' to the temporary directory /tmp.
% mv *.f ../newdir
moves all files whose names end with '.f' to directory ../newdir. Note that the command
% mv *.f *.for 
will not rename all files ending with '.f' to files with the same prefixes, but ending in '.for'. (This was the case on some other operating systems, many of which are now defunct). This is easily understood by noting that expansion occurs before the final argument list is passed along to the mv command. If there aren't any '.for' files in the working directory, *.for will expand to nothing and the last command will be identical to
% mv *.f 
which is not at all what was intended.

Note concerning alphabetical match sets

When considering the alphabetical sorting of character strings, including words, filenames etc., the issue of how upper and lower case letters are to be treated arises. There are several possibilities for the sorting order, including
  1. a, b, .... y, z, A, B, ... Y, Z
  2. A, B, ..., Y, Z, a, b, ..., y, z
  3. a, A, b, B, ..., y, Y, z, Z
  4. A, a, B, b, ..., Y, y, Z, z
The convention that one adopts for ordering strings, i.e., how the single alphabetical characters themselves are to be ordered (and, indeed, how the entire character set including numerals, special characters etc. that is being used is to be ordered), is known as the collating sequence.

On many Unix systems, including Linux, the collating sequence is part of what is known as the locale (see man locale), and is configurable. This means that depending on how the locale is set up, some commands, including ls (which lists files/directories in sorted order) and sort (a powerful command for performing a variety of sorting functions, again, see man sort for details) will function differently. 

On the lab machines the locale has been configured so that the sort order is A, B, ..., Y, Z, a, b, ..., y, z (choice 2) which, conveniently, is also the same order that applies when we use the analogous type of construct with the grep command discussed below.

Importantly, the collating sequence applies to match sets as described above so that on the lab machines, for example, the construct
is equivalent to


as one might expect.  However, on other Unix/Linux systems you may find that it is equivalent to

The bash History

bash maintains a numbered history of previously entered command lines.  Type

% history
(which I personally alias as hi)  to view your command-line history.

The history mechanism is useful for saving some typing if you want to reissue a command that you have previously executed. For the purposes of this course there are two different ways that this can be accomplished:
  1. Type an exclamation mark, followed by the number of the command in the history list.
  2. Type an exclamation mark, followed by a string of characters to reexecute the most recently typed command that begins with that string.


% !20

reexecutes the 20th command in the history.

% !c

reexecutes the most recently issued command that starts with a 'c'.

The number of commands maintained in the history list can be controlled using the environment variable, HISTFILESIZE, which is set to 1000 in the default course .bashrc file, and which you can easily change as needed.  Also note that your history generally persists from login to login---commands are stored in a hidden file ~/.bash_history---but because you can have multiple terminals executing simultaneously, the precise way that ~/.bash_history gets updated must be considered an advanced topic.  You can get some sense for this by noting that if you type different sets of commands concurrently in two or more terminals, and then type history in each, you will see that the output varies from terminal to terminal (as it should!)  And yet there is at any given time a unique ~/.bash_history file.

Standard Input, Standard Output and Standard Error: A typical Unix command (process, program, job, task, application) reads some input, performs some operations on, or depending on, the input, then produces some output. It proves to be extremely powerful to be able to write programs (including bash scripts) that read and write their input and output from "standard" locations. Thus, Unix defines the notions of

Many Unix commands are designed so that, unless specified otherwise, input is taken from standard input (or stdin), and output is written on standard output (or stdout). Normally, both stdin and stdout are attached to the terminal. The cat command with no arguments provides a canonical example (see man cat if you can't understand the example):
% cat 
Here, cat reads lines from stdin (the terminal) and writes those lines to stdout (also the terminal) so that every line you type is "echoed" by the command. A command that reads from stdin and writes to stdout is known as a filter.

Input and Output Redirection: The power and flexibility of the stdin/stdout mechanism becomes apparent when we consider the operations of input and output redirection that are implemented in bash (and many other shells). As the name suggests, redirection means that stdin and/or stdout are associated with some source/sink other than the terminal.

Input Redirection is accomplished using the < (less-than) character, followed by the name of a file from which the input is to be extracted. Thus the command-line

% cat < input_to_cat
causes the contents of the file input_to_cat to be used as input to the cat command. In this case, the effect is exactly the same as if
% cat input_to_cat
had been entered.  Note that the whitespace before and after the '<' is not necessary, but is used here for clarity (the same comment applies to the other redirection operators discussed below). 

Output Redirection is accomplished using the > (greater than) character, again followed by the name of a file into which the (standard) output of the command is to be directed. Thus

% cat > output_from_cat
will cause cat to read lines from the terminal (stdin is not redirected in this case) and copy them into the file output_from_cat. Care must be exercised in using output redirection since one of the first things that will happen in the above example is that the file output_from_cat will be clobbered. If the shell option noclobber has been set using
set -o noclobber
which is highly recommended for novices (and included in the course default .bashrc), then output will not be allowed to be redirected to an existing file. Thus, in the above example, and assuming that noclobber is set, if output_from_cat already existed, the shell would respond as follows:
% cat > output_from_cat
output_from_cat: File exists
and the command would be aborted.

The standard output from a command can also be appended to a file using the two-character sequence >> (no intervening spaces). Thus

% cat >> existing_file
will append lines typed at the terminal to the end of existing_file.

From time to time it is convenient to be able to "throw away" the standard output of a command. Unix systems have a special file called /dev/null that is ideally suited for this purpose. Output redirection to this file, as in:

verbose_command > /dev/null
will result in the stdout from the command disappearing without a trace.

Pipes: Part of the "Unix programming philosophy" is to keep input and output to and from commands in "machine-readable" form: this usually means keeping the input and output simple, structured and devoid of extraneous information which, while informative to humans, is likely to be a nuisance for other programs. Thus, rather than writing a command that produces output such as:

% pgm_wrong
Time = 0.0 seconds Force = 6.0 Newtons
Time = 1.0 seconds Force = 6.1 Newtons
Time = 2.0 seconds Force = 6.2 Newtons
we write one that produces
% pgm_right
0.0 6.0
1.0 6.1
2.0 6.2
The advantage of this approach is that it is then often possible to combine commands (programs) on the command-line so that the standard output from one command is fed directly into the standard input of another. In this case we say that the output of the first command is piped into the input of the second. Here's an example:
% ls -1 | wc
10 10 82
The -1 ("one", not "ell") option to ls tells ls to list regular files and directories one per line. The command wc (for word count) when invoked with no arguments, reads stdin until EOF is encountered and then prints three numbers: (1) the total number of lines in the input (2) the total number of words in the input and (3) the total number of characters in the input (in this case, 82). The pipe symbol "|" tells the shell to connect the standard output of ls to the standard input of wc. The entire ls -1 | wc construct is known as a pipeline, and in this case, the first number (10) that appears on the standard output is simply the number of regular files and directories in the current directory.

Pipelines can be made as long as desired, and once you know a few Unix commands, you can easily accomplish some fairly sophisticated tasks by interactively building up multi-stage pipelines. Note that it is often useful to build up a pipeline stage by stage, and to do this the command recall mechanism provided via the up-arrow key is helpful, as are the history commands discussed above.

Regular Expressions and grep: Regular expressions may be formally defined as those character strings that are recognized (accepted) by finite state automata. If you haven't studied automata theory, this definition won't be of much use, so for our purposes we will define regular expressions as specifications for rather general patterns that we will wish to detect, usually in the contents of files. Although there are similarities in the Unix specification of regular expressions to bash wildcards (see above), there are important differences as well, so be careful. We begin with regular expressions that match a single character:

a         (Example) Matches 'a', any character other than 
the special characters: . * [ ] \ ^ or $ may be
used as is

\* (Example) Matches the single character '*'.
Note that `\' is the "backslash" character. A
backslash may be used to "escape" any of the
special characters listed above
(including backslash itself)

. (Period/dot) Matches ANY single character.

[abc] (Example) Matches any one of 'a', 'b' or 'c'.

[^abc] (Example) Matches any character that ISN'T an
'a', 'b' or 'c'.

[a-z] (Example) Matches any character in the inclusive
range 'a' through 'z'.

[^a-z] (Example) Matches any character NOT in the
inclusive range 'a' through 'z'.

^ Matches the beginning of a line.

$ Matches the end of a line.
Multiple-character regular expressions may then be built up as follows:
ahgfh     (Example) Matches the string 'ahgfh'.  Any string 
of specific characters (including escaped special
characters) may be specified in this fashion.

a* (Example) Matches zero or more occurrences of the
character 'a'. Any single character expression
(except start and end of line) followed by a '*' will
match zero or more occurrences of that particular

.* Matches an arbitrary string of characters.

Note that, in contrast to the bash globbing mechanism described above, ranges involving lower case and upper case characters, respectively, are always distinct. Thus


matches a single lower case letter only, while


similarly matches a single upper case letter only (in particular, then, the meaning of a character range in the context of regular expressions does not depend on the collating sequence defined by the locale).

All of this is may be a bit confusing, so it is best to consider the use of regular expressions in the context of the Unix grep command.


grep (which loosely stands for (g)lobal search for (r)egular (e)xpression with (p)rint) has the following general syntax:

   grep [options] regular_expression [file1 file2 ...]
Note that only the regular_expression argument is required. Thus
% grep the
will read lines from stdin (normally the terminal) and echo only those lines that contain the string 'the'. If one or more file arguments are supplied along with the regular expression, then grep will search those files for lines matching the regular expression, and print the matching lines to standard output (again, normally the terminal). Thus
% grep the *
will print all the lines of all the regular files in the working directory that contain the string 'the'.

Some of the options to grep are worth mentioning here. The first is -i which tells grep to ignore case when pattern-matching. Thus

% grep -i the text
will print all lines of the file text that contain 'the' or 'The' or 'tHe' etc. Second, the -v option instructs grep to print all lines that do not match the pattern; thus
% grep -v the text
will print all lines of text that do not contain the string 'the'. Finally, the -n option tells grep to include a line number at the beginning of each line printed. Thus
% grep -in the text
will print, with line numbers, all lines of the file text that contain the string 'the', 'The', 'tHe' etc. Note that multiple options can be specified with a single - followed by a string of option letters with no intervening blanks. Most Unix commands allow this syntax for providing several options.

Here are a few slightly more complicated examples. Note that when supplying a regular expression that contains characters such as '*', '?', '[', '!' ..., that are special to the shell, the regular expression should be surrounded by single quotes to prevent shell interpretation of the shell characters. In fact, you won't go wrong by always enclosing the regular expression in single quotes.

% grep '^.....$' file1
prints all lines of file1 that contain exactly 5 characters (not counting the "newline" at the end of each line):
% grep 'a' file1 | grep 'b'
prints all lines of file1 that contain at least one 'a' and one 'b'. (Note the use of the pipe to stream the stdout from the first grep into the stdin of the second.)
% grep -v '^#' input > output
extracts all lines from file input that do not have a '#' in the first column and writes them to file output.

Pattern matching (searching for strings) using regular expressions is a powerful concept, but one that can be made even more useful with certain extensions. Many of these extensions are implemented in a relative of grep known as egrep. See the man page for egrep if you are interested.

Using Quotes (' ', " ", and ` `): Most shells, including bash, use the three different types of quotes found on a standard keyboard

    ' ' ->  Known as forward quotes, single quotes, quotes 
" " -> Known as double quotes
` ` -> Known as backward quotes, backquotes, backticks
for distinct purposes. 

Forward quotes: ' ' We have already encountered several examples of the use of forward quotes that inhibit shell evaluation of any and all special characters and/or constructs. Here's an example:

% a=100
% echo $a

% b=$a
% echo $b

% b='$a'
% echo $b
Note how in the final assignment, b='$a', the $a is protected from evaluation by the single quotes. Single quotes are commonly used to assign a shell variable a value that contains whitespace, or to protect command arguments that contain characters special to the shell (see the discussion of grep for an example). 

Double quotes: " " Double quotes function in much the same way as forward quotes, except that the shell "looks inside" them and evaluates (1) any references to the values of shell variables, and (2) anything within backquotes (see below). Example:

% a=100
% echo $a

% string="The value of a is $a"
% echo $string
The value of a is 100

Backward quotes (backquotes, backticks): ` ` The shell uses backquotes to provide a powerful mechanism for capturing the standard output of a Unix command (or, more generally, a sequence of Unix commands) as a string that can then be assigned to a shell variable or used as an argument to another command. Specifically, when the shell encounters a string enclosed in back-quotes, it attempts to evaluate the string as a Unix command, precisely as if the string had been entered at a shell prompt, and returns the standard output of the command as a string. In effect, the output of the command is substituted for the string and the enclosing back-quotes. Here are a few simple examples:

% date
Mon Sep 1 17:08:59 PDT 2014

% thedate=`date`
% echo $thedate
Mon Sep 1 17:09:18 PDT 2014

% which true

% file `which true`
/bin/true: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, ...

% file `which true` `which false`
/bin/true: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, ...
/bin/false: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, ...
Note that the file command attempts to guess what type of contents its arguments (which should be files) contain and which reports full path names for commands that are supplied as arguments. Observe that in the last example, multiple back-quoting constructs are used on a single command line.

Finally, here's an example illustrating that back-quote substitution is enabled for strings within double quotes, but disabled for strings within single quotes:

% var1="The current date is `date`"
% echo $var1
The current date is Mon Sep 1 17:10:37 PDT 2014

% var2='The current date is `date`'
% echo $var2
The current date is `date`

Job Control: Unix is a multi-tasking operating system: at any given time, the system is effectively running many distinct processes (commands) simultaneously (of course, if the machine only has one CPU (core), only one process can run at a specific time, so this simultaneity is often somewhat of an illusion). Even within a single shell, it is possible to run several different commands at the same time. Job control refers to the shell facilities for managing how these different processes are run. It should be noted that job control is arguably less important in the current age of windowing systems than it used to be, since one can now simply use multiple shell windows to manage several concurrently running tasks.

Commands issued from the command-line normally run in the foreground. This generally means that the command "takes over" standard input and standard output (the terminal), and, in particular, the command must complete before you can type additional commands to the shell. If, however, the command line is terminated with an ampersand: &, the job is run in the background and you can immediately type new commands while the command executes. Example:

% grep the huge_file > grep_output &
[1] 1299
In this example, the shell responds with a '[1]' that identifies the task at the shell level, and a '1299' (the process id) that identifies the task at the system level. You can continue to type commands while the grep job runs in the background. At some point grep will finish, and the next time you type 'Enter' (or 'Return'), the shell will inform you that the job has completed:
[1]+    Done   grep the huge_file > grep_output
The following sequence illustrates another way to run the same job in the background:
% grep the huge_file > grep_output 
[1}+ Stopped grep the huge_file > grep_output
% bg
[1]+ grep the huge_file > grep_output &
Here, typing ^Z while the command is running in the foreground stops (suspends) the job, the shell command bg restarts it in the background. You can see which jobs are running or stopped by using the shell jobs command.
% jobs
[1] + Stopped grep the huge_file > grep_output
[2] Running other_command
% fg %1
to have the job labeled '[1]' (that may either be stopped or running in the background), run in the foreground. You can kill (terminate) a job using its job number (%1, %2, etc.)
% kill %1
[1] Terminated grep the huge_file > grep_output
You can also kill a job using its process ID (PID), which you can obtain using the Unix ps command. See the man pages for ps and kill for more details.

On many Unix systems, including Linux, there is a killall command, which allows you to kill processes by name. Finally, the shell will complain if you try to logout or exit the shell when one or more jobs are stopped. Either explicitly kill the jobs (or let them finish up if that's appropriate) or type logout or exit again to ignore the warning, kill all stopped jobs, and exit.

Another useful, though Linux-specific, command is pstree, which shows processes currently running on the host machine in the form of a tree. If you want to limit the output to your own processes (and not, for example, root's), use

% pstree -u your_userid

Basic Shell Programming

For the novice user a Unix shell can be viewed primarily as a command interpreter. However, shells are actually fully functional programming languages and it is extremely useful to know at least a little about shell programming, also known as writing shell scripts, for the following reasons (not an exhaustive list!):
  1. Scripts can be used to customize or extend Unix commands in a more powerful and robust fashion than the aliasing mechanism discussed above.
  2. Scripts can be used to automate sequences of Unix commands, with the possibility of changing one or more of the arguments to one or more of the commands. If you find yourself frequently typing the same sequence of commands, it takes very little time to create a script to accomplish the task, after which the execution of a single command does the trick. This has the added bonus that the script per se provides documentation for the job you are doing.
  3. Many tasks that are cumbersome to perform in the context of a general purpose programming language, such as Java, C or Fortran, are easy to accomplish using a script. This particularly applies to issues involving file and directory manipulation, or the processing of output from a number of programs.

Time constraints preclude anything but a basic overview of bash programming; if you wish to become a wizard of this particular craft, you might want to consult the classic text, The UNIX Programming Environment, by Kernighan and Pike, cited in the following as reference [1]. In addition, there is plenty of information to be found about the subject online (see the representative links at the end of this document, for example. which are also available via the Course Resources page). Finally, should you find yourself in need of complex scripts, you may wish to consider learning/using perl, which is an extremely powerful scripting language that has become very popular in the Unix community over the past couple of decades (the python language is another good choice in this regard).

We start with a very simple example. Consider the problem of "swapping" the names of two files, which arises more often in practice than one might expect, and which cannot be accomplished with a standard Unix command. Assuming that no file t exists in the working directory, the command sequence

% mv a t
% mv b a
% mv t b
will exchange the names of files a and b. Building on this sequence, here's a script called swap that, naturally enough, "swaps" the names of an arbitrary pair of files:
#! /bin/bash

# Bare-bones script to swap names of two files

# Usage: swap file1 file2

mv $1 t
mv $2 $1
mv t $2
The first line of the script
#! /bin/bash
is an important bit of Unix magic that tells the shell that when the name of the file containing the script is used as a command, the shell should start up a new shell (in this case another bash) and execute the remaining contents of the script in the context of that new shell. Every bash script that you write should start with this incantation.

When the new bash associated with the execution of any script starts, it does NOT execute the commands in either ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc. This means, in particular, that none of the aliases that are defined through execution of  ~/.bashrc (including the indirect definitions that may be made via a source ~/.aliases or equivalent) will be active during the execution of the script, unless you redefine them within the script itself. The same applies to bash options such as noclobber. So be very careful when using commands such as rm, cp, mv etc. as well as output redirection, since the commands will be the "bare-bones" versions, and will not prompt for confirmation in case an existing file will be overwritten. Similarly, output redirection will clobber existing files (unless you include set -o noclobber somewhere before the first use of output redirection).

In this regard it is impossible to overstate the importance that you develop the habit of making back-up copies of any files that have value to you, before you start making significant modifications to them, or feeding them to a script that could potentially and unintentionally change them.  This applies not only in the context of writing scripts, but anytime that you are about to modify a file that has taken you non-trivial effort to create!

Continuing with our dissection of the script, lines that begin with a hash ("number sign") # (excluding the magic first line) such as

# Bare-bones script to swap names of two files

# Usage: swap file1 file2
are comments, and are ignored by the shell.

The final three lines of the script

mv $1  t
mv $2 $1
mv t $2
do all the work. The constructs $1 and $2 evaluate to the first and second arguments, respectively, which are supplied to the script. In general, one can access the first nine arguments of a script using $1, $2, ..., $9, and, if more than nine arguments need to be parsed (!), using ${10}, ${11}, etc. If a specific argument is missing, the corresponding construct will evaluate to the null string, i.e. to "nothing".

Having created a file called swap containing the above lines, I set execute permission on the file with the chmod command

% chmod a+x swap
% ls -l swap
-rwxr-xr-x 1 phys210 public 116 2009-09-07 16:32 swap*
and the script is ready to use:
% ls 
f1 f2 swap*
% cat f1
This is the first file.
% cat f2
This is the second file.
% swap f1 f2
% cat f1
This is the second file.
% cat f2
This is the first file.

When developing and debugging a shell program, it is often very useful to enable "tracing" of the script. This is done by adding the -x option to the header line:

#! /bin/bash -x
Having made this modification, I now see the following output when I invoke swap a second time:
% swap f1 f2
+ mv f1 t
+ mv f2 f1
+ mv t f2
Note how each command in the script is echoed to standard error (with a + prepended) as it is executed. Again, observe that the mv command used in this instance is the "bare bones" version since any aliases that I have defined via ~/.bashrc for an interactive bash will not be in effect while the script executes.

Although swap as coded above is reasonably functional, it is not very robust and can potentially generate undesired "side-effects" if used incorrectly. Observe, for example, what happens when the script is invoked without any arguments (tracing has now been disabled by removing the -x option in the header)

% swap
mv: missing file argument
Try `mv --help' for more information.
mv: missing file arguments
Try `mv --help' for more information.
mv: missing file argument
Try `mv --help' for more information.
or, worse, with one argument
% swap f1
mv: missing file argument
Try `mv --help' for more information.
mv: missing file argument
Try `mv --help' for more information.
% ls
f2 swap* t
Here's a second version of swap that fixes several of the shortcomings of the naive version, and that also illustrates many additional shell programming features:
#! /bin/bash

# Improved version of script to swap names of two files

# Set shell variable 'P' to name of script
P=`basename $0`

# Set shell variable 't' to name of temporary file

# Usage function
usage () {
cat << END
usage: $P file1 file2

Swaps filenames of file1 and file2
exit 1

# Function that is invoked if temporary file already exists
t_exists () {
cat << END
$P: Temporary file '$t' exists.
$P: Remove it explicitly before executing this script.

/bin/rm -f $t
exit 1

# Function that checks that its (first) argument is an
# existing file
check_file () {
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "$P: File '$1' does not exist"

# Argument parsing---script requires exactly 2 arguments
case $# in
2) file1=$1; file2=$2 ;;
*) usage;;

# Check that the arguments refer to existing files
check_file $1
check_file $2

# Bail out if either or both arguments are invalid
test "X${error}" = X || exit 1

# Ensure that temporary file doesn't already exist
test -f $t && t_exists

# Do the swap
mv $file1 $t
mv $file2 $file1
mv $t $file2

# Normal exit, return 'success' exit status
exit 0

Let us examine this new version of swap in detail.

As the comment indicates, the command

# Set shell variable 'P' to name of script
P=`basename $0`
sets the shell variable P to the filename of the script, i.e. to swap in this case. This happens as follows. First, $0 is a special shell-script variable that always evaluates to the invocation name of the script---i.e. what the user actually typed in order to execute the script. Second, as man tells us, the basename command deletes any prefix ending in / from its argument and prints the result on the standard output. Third, the backquotes around the basename invocation capture the standard output of the command, which is then assigned to the shell variable P via the assignment statement.

We use basename here so that if someone invokes our script using its full path name, perhaps

% /home/phys210/shellpgm/ex2/swap f1 f2
the shell variable P will still be assigned the value swap. The value of P is subsequently used in diagnostic messages, to make the origin of the messages clear to the user. Use of this mechanism can save some typing if one is writing a script that prints many such messages. In addition, if the script is subsequently used as a basis for a new shell program, a minimum of changes (perhaps none) are necessary in order that the new script output the "correct" diagnostics.

The next assignment sets the shell variable t to the name of a temporary file that, under normal circumstances, should never exist in the directory in which swap is executed. This isn't the most bullet-proof of strategies, but it's better than using t itself for the name for the temporary file!

# Set shell variable 't' to name of temporary file

The next section of code defines a shell function, called usage, which can be invoked from anywhere in the script. When called, the function will print a message to standard output informing the user of the proper usage of the command, and then exit (stop execution of the script).

# Usage function
usage () {
cat << END
usage: $P file1 file2

Swaps filenames of file1 and file2
exit 1
The general form of a function definition is
routinename () {
The parentheses pair after routinename tells the shell that a function is being defined, while the braces enclose the body of the function.

Within the usage routine appears the construct

cat << END
known as a "here document". Here documents can be used anywhere in a script to provide "in-place" input for the standard input of a command. You can refer to the man page on bash for full details, but the basic idea and mechanics are quite simple. To provide "in-place" input to an arbitrary command, append << END after the command name, any arguments to the command, and any output redirection directives. There can be whitespace before and after the token ENDSubsequent lines are then the standard input to the command. A line that exactly matches the string END (i.e. grep '^END$' succeeds) signals end-of-file (i.e. the end of the here document), so be sure you have such a line in your script!.

IMPORTANT!! Note that this means that there can be NO whitespace before or after the second occurrence of END. You need to be extremely careful about this point since it is very easy to accidentally add a space or two after the end-of-file token, and quite difficult to notice that the extra space is there.  If there is extraneous white space, bash is likely to view everything until the end of the script itself as the standard input to the command being fed with the here document!

Finally, note that the string END is arbitrary; you can use essentially any string you wish as long as you use the identical string in both contexts. END is simply my convention.

An interesting and useful feature of here-documents is that they are partially interpreted by the shell before being fed into their destination command. In particular, shell-variable-evaluations

are executed, as are
`command [arguments]`
constructs. Thus, when the usage function is executed, the message
usage: swap file1 file2

Swaps filenames of file1 and file2
will appear on standard output, after which the execution of
exit 1
will return control to the invoking shell. Here, the argument to the exit command is an exit code indicating a completion status for the script. Since there is generally only one way for a command to succeed, but often many ways it can fail, a exit status of 0 indicates success in Unix, while any non-zero value (1 in this case), indicates failure.

All Unix commands return such codes (scripts that terminate without an explicit exit, implicitly return success to the invoking shell) and they can be used in the context of shell-control structures such as if, while and until statements.

The function t_exists is very similar in construction to usage, and is used in the unlikely event that a file named .swap.tempfile.3141 does exist in the directory in which the script is invoked.

# Function that is invoked if temporary file already exists
t_exists () {
cat << END
$P: Temporary file '$t' exists.
$P: Remove it explicitly before executing this script.

/bin/rm -f $t
exit 1

Function check_file illustrates the use of function arguments, as well as the shell if statement.

# Function that checks that its (first) argument is an
# existing file
check_file () {
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "$P: File '$1' does not exist"

As with arguments to the script itself, function arguments are accessed positionally, via $1, $2, ... . Note, then, that the evaluation of $1, for example, depends crucially on context (or scope): within a function, $1 evaluates to the first argument to the routine, while outside of any function it evaluates to the first argument to the script.

For our purposes, a suitably general form of the shell if statement is

if command a; then
commands 1
elif command b; then
commands 2
elif command c; then
commands 3
commands n
All clauses apart from the first are optional, as is apparent from the if statement in the check_file routine. The evaluation of the if statement begins with the execution of command a. If this command succeeds (returns exit status 0), then commands 1 are executed (commands must appear on separate lines, or be separated by semicolons) and control then passes to the command following the end of the if statement (i.e. after the fi token). Otherwise, command b is executed; if it succeeds, commands 2 are performed, otherwise command c is executed, and so on.

The if statement in our check_file routine

if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "$P: File '$1' does not exist"
uses the Unix test command, for which [ is essentially an alias (the ] is "syntactic-sugar" and does nothing but make the expression "look right"). Thus an equivalent form is
if test ! -f $1; then
echo "$P: File '$1' does not exist"
test accepts a general expression expr as an argument, evaluates expr and, if its value is true, sets a zero exit status (success); otherwise, a non-zero exit status (failure) is set. test accepts many different options for performing a variety of tests on files and directories, and implements a fairly complete set of logical operations such as negation, or, and, tests for string equality/non-equality, integer equal-to, greater-than, less-than etc.; see man test for full details.

In the current case, the -f $1 option returns true if the first argument to the routine is an existing regular file (i.e. not a directory or other type of special file). The ! is the negation operator, so the overall test command returns success (true) if the first argument is not an existing regular file.

The next section of code introduces the shell case statement:

# Argument parsing---script requires exactly 2 arguments
case $# in
2) file1=$1; file2=$2 ;;
*) usage;;

A general case statement looks like

case word in 
pattern) commands ;;
pattern) commands ;;
Starting from the top, and using essentially the same pattern-matching rules used for filename matching, the case statement compares word to each pattern in turn, until it finds a match. When a match is found, the corresponding commands (and only those commands) are executed, after which control passes to the statement following the end of the case statement (i.e. after the esac token). Note that the commands associated with each case must be terminated with a double semi-colon.

In our current example, we match on the built-in shell variable $#, which evaluates to the number of arguments that were supplied to the shell. The first set of actions

2) file1=$1; file2=$2 ;;
is evaluated if precisely two arguments have been supplied. If the script has been invoked with anything but two arguments, $# is then matched against *, which will always succeed; i.e.
*) usage ;;
serves as a "default" case, and the usage function will thus be called if we've used an incorrect number of arguments.

Using the check_file function, the script then ensures that each argument names an existing regular file:

# Check that the arguments refer to existing files
check_file $file1
check_file $file2
Note that if either or both of the checks fail, then the shell variable error (all variables are global in a shell script unless explicitly declared local, see man bash for more information) will be set to yes. The calls to check_file are followed by a command list that tests whether error has been set, and exits the script if it has:
# Bail out if either or both arguments are invalid
test "X${error}" = X || exit 1
The expression
"X${error}" = X
illustrates a little shell trick that tests whether a shell variable has been defined. If error has been set to yes by check_file, then "X${error}" evaluates to Xyes; otherwise it evaluates to X. The binary operator || (double pipe) can be used between any two Unix commands (or, more generally, pipelines):
command 1 || command 2
and has the following semantics: command 1 is executed, and if and only if the command fails (returns a non-zero exit status), command 2 is executed. Thus, the sequence is equivalent to
if [ ! command 1 ]; then
command 2

Similarly, the next piece of the script

# Ensure that temporary file doesn't already exist
test -f $t && t_exists
illustrates the use of the binary operator && (double ampersand), which also can be used between any two commands:
command 1 && command 2
In this case command 1 is executed, and if and only if the command succeeds (returns a 0 exit status), command 2 is executed. Thus, an equivalent form is
if [ command 1 ]; then
command 2
In the current example, if the temporary file .swap.temp.3141 does exist, the function t_exists is called to print the diagnostic message and exit.

Finally, if we've made it past all of the error-checking, it's time to actually swap the filenames, and have the script return a "success" exit status to the invoking environment:

# Do the swap
mv $file1 $t
mv $file2 $file1
mv $t $file2

# Normal exit, return 'success' code
exit 0

We can now test our improved version of swap, exercising in particular all of the error-checking features that have been incorporated. Here again is a contents-listing of the directory containing the script:

% ls
f1 f2 swap*
% more f1 f2
This is the first file.
This is the second file.

We start with a no-argument invocation:

% swap
usage: swap file1 file2

Swaps filenames of file1 and file2
followed by single-argument execution:
% swap f1
usage: swap file1 file2

Swaps filenames of file1 and file2
In both cases swap dutifully prints the usage message to standard output as desired.

We now invoke swap in a "normal" fashion, and verify that it is working properly:

% swap f1 f2
% more f1 f2
This is the second file.
This is the first file.

Supplying swap with two arguments that are not names of files in the working directory results in appropriate error messages:

% swap a1 a2
swap: File 'a1' does not exist
swap: File 'a2' does not exist
as does an invocation where one of the arguments is invalid:
% swap a1 f2
swap: File 'a1' does not exist

Finally, after (perversely) creating .swap.tempfile.3141 using the touch command (touch filename creates the (empty) file filename if it does not exist, and changes its time of last modification to the current time if it does),

% touch .swap.tempfile.3141
execution of swap with valid arguments triggers the t_exists routine:
swap: Temporary file '.swap.tempfile.3141' exists.  
swap: Remove it explicitly before executing this script.

/bin/rm -f .swap.tempfile.3141
Removing the file as instructed, the script once again silently performs its job:
% /bin/rm -f .swap.tempfile.3141
% swap f1 f2

We will conclude our whirlwind tour of shell programming with a description of a few more control structures, some additional niceties concerning shell variable evaluation, and a glimpse at a command useful for writing scripts that "interact" with the user.

The shell provides three structures for looping. The first is a for loop:

for var in word list; do
Here, for each word (token) in word list, the commands in the body of the loop are executed, with the shell variable var being set to each word in turn. As usual, an example makes the semantics clear:
% cat for-example
#! /bin/bash

# Illustrates shell 'for' loop

for i in foo bar 'foo bar '; do
echo "i -> $i"

% for-example
i -> foo
i -> bar
i -> foo bar
Note that a "word" can contain whitespace if it has been quoted, as is the case for 'foo bar '

In many instances, a for loop in a script will loop over all of the arguments supplied to the script. The built-in shell variable $* evaluates to the argument list, so we can write

for i in $*; do
but the shell also has a shorthand for this particular case, namely:
for i; do

In addition to for iterations, there are also while loops:

while command; do
and until loops:
until command; do
For these iterations, the body of the loop is repetitively executed as long as command succeeds or fails, respectively.

The following table summarizes some built-in shell variables that are particularly useful for script writing [1]:

Variable Evaluates to
$# number of arguments
$* all arguments
$? return value of last command
$$ process-id of the script

Also observe that, as intimated above in the discussion of environment variables, a bash script inherits all of the environment variables (such as $HOME, $PATH, ...) that have been set in the invoking shell.

As shown in the next table [1], we can also use some tricks in the evaluation of shell variables to make writing scripts a little easier at times:

Expression Evaluates to
$var value of var, nothing if var undefined
${var} same as above; useful if alphanumerics follow variable name
${var-thing} value of var if defined; otherwise thing; $var unchanged.
${var=thing} value of var if defined; otherwise thing; if undefined $var set to thing
${var+thing} thing if var defined; otherwise nothing
${var?message} if defined, $var; otherwise print message and exit shell.

Finally, the read command can be used to interactively provide input to a script. Here's an example

% cat read-example
#! /bin/bash

echo "Hello there! Please type in your name:"
read name
echo "Pleased to meet you, $name"

% read-example
Hello there! Please type in your name
Matthew Choptuik
Pleased to meet you, Matthew Choptuik

References / Additional Information

  1. Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, The UNIX Programming Environment, Prentice Hall, 1984
  2. Bash Guide for Beginners (Includes sections on writing scripts.)
  3. Bash Reference Manual
  4. Bash Scripting Tutorial
  5. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial: A Beginner's handbook
  6. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (An extensive reference, with lots of examples, and which, despite the name, does not assume prior knowledge of scripting or programming.