Physics 329: Introduction to Computational Physics: Course News

This document will be updated throughout the course

Monday, December 14

Unofficial Final Grades

(sorted by last 4 digits of student number)

   1688:    A
   2832:    A
   3328:    A-
   3696:    A
   3918:    A
   5059:    A
   5213:    A-
   6497:    B
   6865:    A
   7295:    A
   8039:    A
   8067:    CR
   8465:    A+
   8507:    A+
   9069:    A
   9432:    B
   9942:    A-

Tuesday, December 8

The final exam will be held on Friday, December 11 in RLM 6.116 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm

Thursday, November 19

I have updated the Software page to include descriptions of

Tuesday, November 10

I've added a link in the Finite Difference Methods page to output which illustrates some utility commands---dvmesh, nf and paste---which you may find use for in your homework assignments and term projects. Note in particular that the filter nf can do esentially arbitrary arithmetic on one or more columns of numbers (use input redirection to read the columns from a file).

Tuesday, November 10

Homework 6, due Wednesday December 2, is now available on-line. Hard copy will be available in tomorrow's lecture.

Wednesday, November 4

Note that the p329f library contains a function r8arg which can be used to parse real arguments from the command line. Typical usage follows
      real*8      r8arg

      real*8      thearg

c     Parse the second argument as a real number 

      thearg = r8arg(2,-1.0d0-60)
Note that the first argument is an integer specifying which argument is to be parsed, and the second argument is a real*8 value specifying the default return value, i.e. the value returned if the specified argument does not exist on the command line, or cannot be converted to a real value. See the code p329fsa.f for a complete program which uses r8arg. Another sample program which uses the routine is meps.f which (approximately) computes machine epsilon.

Wednesday, November 4

Further to the item below, the On-Line books server now appears to be chronically busy so, at least for the time being, you may have to resort to using hard copies of Numerical Recipes. I have a copy which you can borrow on a short term basis, and there should be a copy in the PMA library reserves.

Wednesday, November 4

Some of you have recently been experiencing problems with the links in the Course Pages to the on-line Numerical Recipes sites (Home page and Books Online ). Apparently there is some re-organization of the Web Site which hosts On-Line books and the old links no longer work. I am in the process of updating the web pages and, in particular, have verified that the links from the Finite Difference Page work from the PMCL. Note, however, that the new links are in all likelihood temporary, so please let me know if and when you encounter further problems. Thanks to Alex and Brandon for bringing this to my attention.

Monday, November 2

Ping pointed out an important typo in the Notes on the 1D Wave Equation handout (PS). The last equation, on page 8, should read
                  delta t 
    lambda   =    -------    <=   1
                  delta x
                  delta x 
    lambda   =    -------    <=   1
                  delta t
The on-line notes have been updated; please amend your hard-copy.

Saturday, October 31

Congratulations to the following Phyiscs 329 students who were recently inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma, the honor society of the Society of Physics Students (SPS): Alex Adai, J.R. Amador, Kelly Bird, Riley Crane, Jason Day, Lon Risinger and Tryge Ristroph.

Wednesday, October 28

As discussed in class, the second test is now scheduled for Monday, November 9.

Tuesday, October 27

Homework 5, due Friday November 13, is now available on-line. Hard copy will be available in tomorrow's lecture.

Wednesday, October 21

Note that the routine dmfrom reads a matrix in column-major rather than row-major order. e.g, if your matrix input file is
2 2 
1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0
then the matrix which is read is actually
1.0   3.0
2.0   4.0
This may cause some confusion, particularly if you are checking your results with Maple. Thanks to Riley for bringing this to my attention once again---but note that this point is made in the handout.

Tuesday, October 6

Homework 4, due Wednesday October 21, is now available on-line. Hard copy will be available in tomorrow's lecture.

Tuesday, September 29

Those of you who have implemented the "chaos" game in 3d (one of the optional parts of Homework 3, Problem 3), may be interested in a simple plotting utilityb plot3d, which can only be run on the console of one of the SGI machines. plot3d expects no arguments on the command line; if any are given, a usage message will result:
% plot3d
usage: plot3d

       Reads x, y, z triples from standard input
       then renders points using GL graphics calls

       F1 key toggles tumble mode
       ESC key exits
As the usage message indicates, plot3d reads x, y, z triples from standard input (three numbers per line) and then plots the points. As an example, here is some sample input I have prepared in a file called 'input':
% head -10 input
-0.258838 0.851213 -0.36666
-0.639729 0.130979 -0.391663
-0.830175 -0.229138 -0.404165
-0.415088 -0.114569 0.422918
-0.207544 0.531971 0.00312541
0.406539 -0.0286423 -0.206771
0.203269 0.574934 -0.311719
-0.408676 -0.00716057 -0.364193
0.305973 -0.298208 -0.39043
0.152986 0.440152 -0.403548
I can then view this data using plot3d as follows:
% plot3d < input
Once the graphics window appears, you can use the 'F1' key to toggle a "tumble mode" which will allow you to better discern the 3-dimensional structure of the input. Use the 'ESC' key to exit from the program. (Be sure the cursor is in the graphics window when you depress either the 'F1' or 'ESC' key).

As stated above, you need to run this program on an SGI console. See me during regular business hours if you would like to do so.

Sunday, September 27

Please note that there was a typo in Problem 3 of the original handout for Homework 3. The last sentence before the "Optional" part of the problem should have read
   ... (i.e. plot with dots).
rather than
   ... (i.e. plot with points).
Thanks to Brandon for pointing this out. The online version has been updated. (Plotting with points will result in symbols which are too large to reveal the "fine structure" of the plot.)

Thursday, September 10

Note that you may not be able to send me e-mail via the course home page (i.e. by clicking on [email protected]), particularly if you are using Netscape on the PMCL machines. The reason is that, by default, your return-mail address in Netscape is set to some generic ID which is not allowed to send any mail. To fix this, choose Preferences from the Edit menu, click on Mail & Groups then Identity and fill in the form, ensuring that you type a correct e-mail address in the EmailAdress slot. Thanks to J.R. for reporting the problem and David for providing a quick diagnosis.

Wednesday, September 9

Please note that there was a typo in the due time for Homework 2 as originally assigned. The correct due time is 11:00am (i.e. at the start of class), not 11:00pm. The online version has been updated. (The handout for Homework 1 also had this typo, but it's too late to do anything about it!)

Tuesday, September 8

The previously posted procedure for changing your shell on the linux machines does not work. (Thanks to Jeff Holmes for pointing this out). Until further notice, contact Jason Ventrella, and ask him to change your login shell, if you so desire.

Friday, September 4

Homework 2, due Friday September 18, is now available on-line. Hard copy will be available in today's lecture.

Thursday, August 27

I've corrected a typo in Homework 1, Problem 2. The question should read:
... (c) at least 5 Web pages that have something to
do with gamma-ray bursters.
Please download the new version or wait for hard copy in class.

Thursday, August 27

Homework 1 is now available on-line. Hard copy will be available in tomorrow's lecture.

Thursday, August 27

The following students had accounts on the Phys. Dept. Public Unix systems prior to the start of this course: If your name is on this list, then the system administrator has NOT provided you with the "PHY329 default" version of the following files in your home directory: In addition, your default shell is bash rather than tcsh. If you wish to change your default shell to tcsh (again, this is only on the Phys. Dept. machines---all of your accounts on the Relativity SGI machines are set up to use tcsh), login to utpapa, and use the chsh (change shell) command:
linux1 % rlogin utpapa

        Welcome to, an IBM RS/6000 running
        AIX 3.2.5.

utpapa % chsh

Current available shells: